Professor & Vice Dean LTH
- Vice Dean LTH for Collaboration and Innovation (link) (more info).
- Chair for ISO TC184/SC5 (Industrial Automation and Integration - integration, interoperability and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications) (link) (more info).
- Boardmember in several external Foundations, Organisations and Companies.
- Chair of the Board for Circle LU, and LTH Näringslivsråd.
- Member of the Research Board LTH, LU Innovation Advisory Board, Life Science Innovation Board, LU-LUFO Board, etc.
Personal Information
Professor in Automatic Control (Feb 2018). I have been with the department since 1993, except for four years when working in industry. I am involved in reseach activities, teaching activities and various external activities.
- Short biography
- Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
- My CV with focus on Automation, Control and Production Systmems is found here
- Link to LU Publication Portal (LUCRIS)
- Link to ResearchGate
- Link to Publication list (pdf)
- Awards
- Carlo Guido Stella Award, 2012
- Process Automation Hall of Fame, april 2016
- Research interests:
- Automation, Control and Production Systmems
- Technology Management and Engineering Leadership
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- More information about my research interests
- Ph.D. thesis 1999-03 (pdf)
- Licentiate thesis 1997-05 (pdf)
My reserach presented according to Global Sustainability Goals (Agenda 2030)
- Research projects:
- Kirurgens Perspektiv (2017-2019):Vinnova UDIstep2
- 4S: Standards and Strategies for Smart Swedish Industry: Vinnova
- Bloqqi, an open modular application language (2017-2020): Vinnova, PiiA
- LISA2 (2015-2018): Line Information System Architecture 2, VINNOVA-FFI
- LCCC (2008-present): Lund Center for Control of Complex Engineering Systems, VINNOVA-Linnaeus Center
- More information about my ongoing research projects
- Completed Research Projects:
- Digital Kirurgi (2016-2017): Kirurgens perspektiv, en 3d bildplattform för kirurgisk utbildning och utveckling av robotkirurgi, VINNOVA- UDIstep1.
- PiiA-Metrics (2014-2016): Key Performance Metrics for Swedish Process Industry, VINNOVA-PiiA
- DigPI-1 (2016-2017): Digitized Process Industry -Part1, VINNOVA-PiiA
- PIC-opic (2012-2014): Process Industrial Centre - Optimization, Performance, Integration, Control, SSF
- LISA (2011-2014): Line Information System Architecture, VINNOVA-FFI
- PIC-LU (2008-2014): Process Industrial Centre Lund University, SSF
- Pending and Passed Applications
- DigiPi (application): Den digitala process industrin, Vinnova, PiiA
- Kirurgens perspektiv (application): Hjärt och lungfonden
- Kirurgens perspektiv (application): Erling Persson stiftelse
- 3D bilddata för hjärtkirurgi (application): Ingvar Kamprads stiftelse
- Hjärtkirurgens digitaliserade verklighet (application): Sten K Johnssons stiftelse
- DigiPi (application): Den digitala process industrin, Vinnova, PiiA
- Doldis4x (application): Digital extrahering av dold kunskap för ökad produktivitet inom Industri 4.x, Vinnova, Digitalisering
- System Integrated 4 (SysInt4): Vinnova, Digitalisering
- Hjärtkirurgens digitaliserade verklighet (application): en databas för utbildning och industriell utveckling av robotkirurgi, Vinnova-spjutspetsprojekt.
- Data X Sweden (application): Nyindustrialiering i utbildningen, VINNOVA- spjutspetsprojekt
- MAFOPA (application): Modulär Arkitektur for Feature-Orienterad programmering av Automationssystem, VINNOVA-PiiA
- PICCLU (application): Process Industry Competence Centre at Lund University, VINNOVA
- SIA (application): Smart Interactive Automation, SSF Smart Systems
- SLA (application): Smart Langauges for Automation, SSF Smart Systems
- MIND-methodology (application): Teching and Learning Entrepreneurship and Leadership in STEM curricula, NSF USA
- BMoE (2014-2015): Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship, teaching and learning methodologies
Teaching (courses given)
- Responsible for the program Technology Management (www.tmonline.se)
Technology Management a master program in cooperation between Lund Institute of Technology (LTH) and The School of Economics (EHL), Lund University. - Consultant at Genombrottet (www.lth.se/genombrottet)
Genombrottet is LTH's center for pedagogical development. - Ph.D. Courses
- Master Thesis projects
- Engineering program
- External courses
- More information about my teaching
Learning (courses taken)
- Leadership courses
- Pedagogical courses
- Management and administration courses
- More information about my learning
External Activities
- Vice chair for ISO TC184/SC5 (2017-present)
- ISO: International Organisation for Standardisation
- TC184: Industrial Automation
- SC5: Interoperability, integration and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications
- Representative in ISO SMCC (Smart Manufacturing Coordination Committee)
- Active member in the following standardization activities
- ISA 95: Enterprise/Control System Integration
- ISA 88: Batch Control
- IEC 62264: Enterprise/Control System Integration
- ISO 22400: Key Performance indicators for Manufacturing Operations Management (editor, part-1)
- ISO 15746: Integration of Advanced Process Control and Optimization Capabilities for manufacturing Systems
- IEC AhG3 (AdHoc Group 3): Smart Manufacturing Framework and System Architecture
- IEC TC65E AhG1(AdHoc Group 1: Smart manufacturing Information Model)
- SIS SAG (Strategic Advisory Group Smart Manufacturing)
- Founder (1 of 2) of SESAM-Sweden
- SESAM-Sweden is an industrial organization focusing on Industrial IT and Automation. The activities are mainly located in Southern Sweden. More information SESAM-Sverige.
- Board Member World Batch Forum (WBF)
- More information about my external activities.
- History of Automatic Control
- Privat homepage