Researchers: Charlotta Johnsson in collaboration with Joakim Wikner and Sayeh Noorozi from Linköping University.
Start date: 2015-01
End date: 2016-12
Sponsor: Vinnova, via det strategiska innovations programmet PiiA
The focus of the project is to answer the questions ´What key performance indicators are used in
process industry today?´, ´Do the key performance indicators differ depending on company
characteristics?´ and ´How can key performance indicators be exchanged between different
Today, it is more vital then ever for companies to have well articulated goals and clear strategies;
with such in place, various navigation systems can be used in order to control the company towards
their goals. Key performance indicators is one possible navigation system that can be used by
mangers at a company to understand if they are heading in the right direction or not. By using a
well defined set of key performance indicators, areas in need of extra focus can be identified and
relevant actions put in place.
Today, a large set of production data is collected every week, day, and hour. By analyzing the data
set, important information about production can be obtained and presented as key performance
indicators, which will make it possible to make better decisions. However, it is important that
companies do not collect data aimlessly but instead know what key performance indicators that can
be used and what key performance indicators are most suitable for specific goals.
This project has the name ´Process Industry Metrics (PI-metrics)´, and has its focus on key
performance indicators, i.e. metrics, for the process industry.
The project will have three work packages (WP):
- WP1: What key performance indicators are used in process industry today?
- WP2: Do the key performance indicators differ depending on company characteristics?
- WP3: How can key performance indicators be exchanged between different software-applications?
Detailed description of the tasks in the Workpackages:
WP1:What key performance indicators are used in process industry today?
- SWP1-1: sammansättning av arbetsgrupp.
- SWP1-2: insamling av vanligt förekommande nyckeltal.
- SWP1-3: kartläggning av de insamlade nyckeltalen.
WP2: Do the key performance indicators differ depending on company characteristics?
- SWP2-1: verifiering av topologin.
- SWP2-2: kartläggning av vanliga nyckeltal (jmfr WP1-3).
- SWP2-3: strukturering av nyckeltalen enligt topologin.
WP3: How can key performance indicators be exchanged between different software-applications?
- SWP3-1: verifiering av UML-modell (se standarden ISO 22400)
- SWP3-2: framtagande av implementationsoberoende modell, dvs kpiML
- SWP3-3: verifiering av kpiML.