SysInt4: Systemintegration av heteorgen utrustning för produktivitet inom Industri-4.x
Researchers: Charlotta Johnsson and Jacob Mejvik in collaboration with Fredrik Heinz, Linköping University and Klas Nilsson, Sven G Robertz, Jacek Malec, Mattias Haage, Elin Topp, Department of Computer Science, Lund University.
Start-date: 2016-10-01
End-date: 2017-02-28
Funding: Vinnova, digitalisering
Increased digitization creates opportunities for increased productivity, but also several risks such as:
1. Flexibility limited to overall (partly already digital) systems, while faults on the factory floor can be difficult to manage.
2. Physical performance decreases if know ledge and practices of the staff is not taken care of.
3. Proposed systems within Industry 4.x might not sufficiently consider business models and responsibilities of technology providers on a system level.
4. Existing (well working) subsystems och equipment cannot be used efficiently.
The proposed project w ill together w ith industrial technology providers end users, and system
integrators, investigate these and other productivity-related problems, and propose a new initiative including appropriate stakeholders from both industry and academia. There will be an emphasis on manufacturing systems that include robots since those systems impose special demands on the combination of flexibility and motion performance.
During the formation of Industry 4.0 the applicants were involved in several relevant EUprojects together with German partners. This has resulted in several solution, patents and new business, but benefits for Swedish industry has been deficient. The proposed planning project combines via a Lund-Linköping collaboration the industrial experiences with related relevant research within academia and upcoming within W ASP. Several other stakeholders at different locations will be part of a bigger initiative, which will be formed such that it is complementary to other projects.