Advanced Computer-Controlled Systems
Graduate course, Fall 2013, 6 ECTS credits
Lecturer: Björn Wittenmark
PhD course in computer-controlled systems based on Karl Johan Åström and Björn Wittenmark (2011): Computer-Controlled Systems, Dover Publications. (The previous editions of the book were published by Prentice Hall.) There will be eight lectures/seminars covering different aspects of how to use computers to control physical systems. The main emphasis is, however, on the discrete-time case. The course is open for all PhD students and gives 6 ECTS credits.
Planning meeting Wed September 18 at 9.30 in the Seminar room.
Lectures in the Seminar room of the department starting October 10, 8.15.
Date | Subject | Reference | Assignment |
Oct 10 | L1: Discrete-time systems and sampling | CCS Ch 1, 2.1-2.5, articles | Assign. 1 |
Oct 14 | L2: Z-transform and I/O-models | CCS Ch 2.6-2.9, 3.2 | Assign. 2 |
Oct 17 | L3: State-feedback, observers, reference values, and integrators | CCS Ch 4.5-4.7, Wittenmark (1985b) | Assign. 3 |
Oct 21 | L4: Pole-placement I/O-models | CCS Ch 5 | Assign. 4 |
Nov 7 |
L5: Where to place the poles? | KJÅ | Assign. 5 |
Nov 14 | L6: Sampling of signals and operators, Deltaoperator (Slides from Goodwin et al.) | CCS Ch 7, Goodwin et al. Ch 12 | Assign. 6 |
Nov 21 | L7: Implementation and noise models | CCS Ch 9, Ch10 | Assign. 7 |
Nov 28 | L8: Optimal design - LQG |
CCS Ch 11 | Assign. 8 |
Dec 5 |
L9: Optimal design - I/O |
CCS Ch 12 | Assign. 9 |
Dec 12 | Summary and discussion |
Other material
- Åström, K. J., P. Hagander, and J. Sternby (1984): Zeros of sampled systems, Automatica, (20), pp 31-38
- Bernhardsson, B. (1993): Sampling of a state-space system with several time-delays, Preprints IFAC 12th World Congress, pp 361-364, Sydney, Australia
- Goodwin, G.C., S.F. Graebe, and M.E. Salgado (2001): Control System Design. Chapter 12 gives an overview of the delta-oprator and its connection to the shift-operator.
- Goodwin, G.C. et al (2013): Sampling and sampled-data models, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, October 2013, pp 34-53
- Wittenmark, B. (1985a): Sampling of a system with a time delay, Transactions on Automatic Control, Volume 30, Issue 5, May 1985 Page(s):507 - 510
- Wittenmark, B. (1985b): Design of digital controllers - The servo problem, In S. Tzafestas, Ed. Applied Digital Control, Elesevier, Amsterdam
- Solutions manual CCS
- ccsdemo is a Matlab package to illustrate some of the theoretical aspects in CCS.
- Matlab macros for all figures in CCS are available. They may be copied from /home/ccs/matlab/ccs5.
The examination will be based on home assignments each week and a short report by the end of the course.