
Real-Time Systems - Course Program 2017

Real-time systems are characterized by the fact that it is not only the result of the calculation that is of importance but also the time when the result is available. A computer used for controlling a process is a good example of a real-time system. It must operate in a time-scale that is determined by the time scale of the process. At the same time it should be reactive to external events, often with time constraints on the reaction time. Two classes of computer control systems are generic industrial control systems and embedded control systems found in, e.g., aerospace applications, industrial robots, or autonomous vehicles.

The aim of the course is to study methods for design and implementation of computer control systems with focus on the application classes mentioned. The implementation part of the course is done in project form.

After the course the students should have sufficient knowledge to, on their own, implement smaller dedicated control systems and a thorough understanding of the system aspects of large industrial control systems.


 Name  Role  Email  Phone
 Karl-Erik Årzén  Course responsible & lecturer  046-2228782
 Martina Maggio  Course responsible & lecturer   046-2228777
 Mika Nishimura  LADOK administrator  046-2228785
 Tommi Nylander  Teaching assistant   
 Martin Heyden  Teaching assistant  
 Victor Millnert  Teaching assistant  



Lecture Date  Time  Room  Topic  Lecturer
 L1  Jan 17  8-10  M:E  Introduction  Both
LX  Jan 18  17-19  M:2112b  Extra: Introduction to Java  Martina
 L2  Jan 19  10-12  M:D  Concurrent programming  Martina 
 L3  Jan 20  8-10  M:E  Process communication 1  Martina
 L4  Jan 24  8-10  M:E  Process communication 2  Martina
 L5  Jan 25  8-10  E:C  Interrupts and time  Martina
 L6   Jan 27  8-10  M:E  Sampling of linear systems  Karl-Erik
 L7   Jan 31  8-10  M:E  Input-output models  Karl-Erik
 L8   Feb 2  10-12  M:E  Approx. of analog controllers, PID   Karl-Erik
 L9   Feb 7  8-10  M:E  State feedback and observers  Karl-Erik
L10   Feb 9  10-12  M:E  Feedforward design  Karl-Erik
L11   Feb 14  8-10  M:E  Implementation aspects  Martina
L12   Feb 16  10-12  M:E  Scheduling theory  Martina
L13   Feb 21  8-10  M:E  Project Specifications  Both
L14   Mar 2
 10-12  M2112B  Discrete-event control  Karl-Erik
L15   Mar 23  15-17  M:E  Real-Time Networks  Anton Cervin
L16   Mar 30  15-17  M:E  Hot research topics  Karl-Erik
LY   Apr 6 15-17 M2112B  Extra: Repetition lecture  Both
L17   May 16   15-17  M:E  Project demos & oral presentations  -


Slides are available on the Lectures page and are also handed out at the lectures.



There are two parallel exercise tracks: five computer exercises (C), starting in study week 2, and sex problem-solving exercises (P), starting in study week 3. All exercises are held in study period 3 except the two last problem-solving exercises which are held in the beginning of study period 4. In addtion there are two extra exercises: one on basic Java programming on Fri Jan 20, 10-12 and one basic Matlab exercise on Fri Jan 27, 10-12.

For the ordinary computer exercises there are three exercise groups on Tuesdays 10-12, 13-15, and 15-17. Similarly there are three exercise groups for the problem-solving exercises, held in study period 3 on Wed 8-10, Thu 8-10, and Fri 10-12.

In order for us to balance the load in the exercise groups you must pre-register for the exercise groups. The link for doing this will be made available on Friday Jan 20.

All exercises are held in Automatic Control Lab A on the first floor of the M-building.

 Exercise  Dates  Topic
C0  Jan 20, 10-12  Extra: Introduction to Java
C1  Jan 24  Threads
P0  Jan 27, 10-12  Extra: Introduction to Matlab
C2  Jan 31  Synchronization
P1  Feb 1-3  Sampling of systems
C3  Feb 7  Controller implementation
P2  Feb 8-10  Input-output models
C4   Feb 14  Graphical user interface 
P3   Feb 15-17  State feedback and observers 
C5   Feb 21  Prepare Lab 1 
P4   Feb 22-24  Discrete approximation, PID 
P5   Mar 21-23  Fixed-point implementation 
P6   Mar 28-30  Scheduling theory 


The Problem-Solving Exercises are in the book sold at KF-Sigma. The Computer Exercises and related material are available on the Exercises page.

Laboratory sessions

The course contains three 4-hour laboratory sessions. Lab 1 will take place during weeks 6 and 7 of study period 3. Students who have previously taken the course EDA040 (Concurrent and Real-Time Programming) will do a special version of Lab 1 in which the LJRT Java to C framework will be used. Labs 2 and 3 will take place during weeks 8 of study period 3 and weeks 1 and 2 of study period 4. Electronic sign-up lists will be posted approximatively two weeks before each lab starts. 

 Lab   Approx. dates   Topic  Sign-up opens  Responsible
1  Feb 22–Mar 3  Control of the ball and beam process  TBD  Victor Millnert
2  Mar 6-22  Sequence control of a bead sorter process  TBD  Martin Heyden
3  Mar 20 – 31  Embedded control of a rotating DC servo TBD  Tommi Nylander



The projects are performed as team works with the size of four persons per team (in special cases it is OK with smaller project teams). Constraints on hardware, processes and supervisors require synchronization among the projects. If you are following the Predictive Control course it will be possible to do a joint project between the courses. Important dates:

  • Feb 21, at Lecture 13: Presentation of available projects
  • Feb 28: Deadline for team formation and project selection
  • Mar 24: Deadline for suggested solution
  • May 12: Deadline for project report
  • May 16: Project demos (mandatory)
  • May 16: Oral presentations (mandatory)


  • K.-E. Årzén, "Real-Time Control Systems" (2015 edition)
  • B. Wittenmark, K.J. Åström, K.-E. Årzén, "Computer Control: An Overview", Educational Version 2016
  • Exercises with solutions (2015 Version)

All material is sold by KF-Sigma. The 2014 versions of the books are very similar and also possible to use.


Mandatory parts: Three laboratory sessions, project, written exam (5 hours).

The exam consists of 25 points and gives the grade Fail, 3, 4, or 5. Accepted aid: The textbooks Real-Time Control Systems and Computer Control: An Overview - Educational Version; standard mathematical tables, authorized "Real-Time Systems Formula Sheet”, authorized "Reglerteknik AK Formelsamling"; pocket calculator. Slides copies are not allowed.

The coming exams are

  • Friday April 21, 14:00 -19:00, Sparta C,D
  • Saturday June 3. 8:00 - 13:00, Sparta D
  • Monday August 14, 8:00 - 13:00, MA 9A


(Lectures 2–17 and the exercise sessions are not mandatory.)