Real-Time Systems - Exercises 2017
Computer exercises
Below are links to the computer exercise material. A red ball indicates a link to previous year's material, while a green ball indicates that the material has been updated/checked for this year's edition of the course.
C0: Object-orientation in Java
C1: Tools & Threads with Solutions
C2: Synchronization & Program Decomposition with Solution
C3: Controller Implementation with Solutions
Class interfaces for Beam problem
Class interfaces for Ball and Beam problem
C4: Graphical Operator Interfaces with Solutions
C5: There is no new material for this exercise. The time should be spent on completing C3 and C4 and preparing for Lab 1.
Computer and Language Links
- Java 7 is used in the course. In order to use this on your own computer in this course you need to download and install a Java 7 JDK (a Java 7 run-time environment (jre) is not enough). If you run Linux you can download this from OpenJDK. If you run Linux, Mac or Windows you can download Oracle's Java 7. Both are free of charge.
- Eclipse download
- Compilation instructions
- Teach Yourself Java in 21 Minutes. Short Java guide for those who already are familiar with object-oriented programming. Used in the Real-Time Programming course at the Computer Science dept. Written by Patrik Persson.
- Java snabbreferens from Computer Science (in Swedish)
- Java Documentation
- Documentation for se.lth.control.* (and se.lth.cs.realtime.*)
- Documentation for se.lth.cs.realtime.* (at Computer Science)
- Documentation for SimEnvironment (in Swedish)
- virtualsimulator.jar. The SimEnvironment package used in the exercises 2 and 3.
- regler.jar (se.lth.control.*).
- csrt.jar (se.lth.cs.realtime.*)
- Debugging hints
- Furuta pendulum Java3D example (tarball)
Problem-Solving Exercises
The material for the problem solving exercises P0–P5 are found in "Real-Time Systems - Problem-Solving Exercises", 2015, sold by KFS. You may also use the formula sheet below.
- Formula sheet (pdf)