Positioning Workshop 2017
The workshop took place on Aug 29 2017
M:D, M-building, Ole Römers väg 1, Lund
10.00 coffee
10.30 Kalle Åström, LU
11.00 Erik Leitinger, LU and Graz, Radio Signal-based Factor Graph SLAM
11.20 Basuki Priyanto, Sony, Positioning in 5G with new radio and hybrid solutions
11.40 Thomas Lunner, LiU, TU Denmark, Oticon, Hearing aid positioning and active steering towards acoustic source of interest
12 lunch: Restaurant "Moroten och Piskan"
After lunch: M:2112B (Seminar room, control department)
13.20 Joakim Rydell, FOI, Positioning and navigation activities at FOI, now and in the near future
13.50 G. Hendeby + F Gustafsson, New Arenas at LiU
14.20 Isaac Skoog, KTH, Smart Inertial Sensor Arrays
14.40 Anders Hansson, LiU, Distributed Localization of Tree-structured Scattered Sensor Networks
15 fika
15.30 Marcus Greiff, LU,A Control Theoretic Approach to UWB
Positioning of IMU-Driven Systems
16.00 Xuhong Li, LU, Phase-Based Positioning Using Massive MIMO with Limited Bandwidth
16.20 Martin Karlsson, LU, Indoor Positioning with Smartphones using WiFi and Bluetooth
16.40 wrap-up