Tore Hägglund
Tore Hägglund
Phone: +46 46 222 87 98
Fax: +46 46 13 81 18

Publications 1990‒1999

Technical Report:
Karl Henrik Johansson, Tore Hägglund: Control Structure Design in Process Control Systems. September 1999.

Conference Contribution:
Hélène Panagopoulos et al: Design of PID Controllers Based on Constrained Optimization. June 1999.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: The Blend Station. May 1999.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: Automatic Detection of Sluggish Control Loops. 1999.

K. K. Tan et al: Advances in PID control. 1999.

Book Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: PID Control. 1999.

Journal Article:
Karl Johan Åström et al: Design of PI Controllers Based on Non-Convex Optimization. May 1998.

Conference Contribution:
P. Brath et al: Control of the outlet air temperature in an air handling unit. 1998.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: The Idle Index. October 1997.

Technical Report:
Hélène Panagopoulos et al: The Lambda method for Tuning PI Controllers. August 1997.

Conference Contribution:
Hélène Panagopoulos et al: Design of PI Controllers. 1997.

Tore Hägglund: Praktisk processreglering (Process control in practice). 1997.

Conference Contribution:
Hélène Panagopoulos et al: A Numerical Method for Design of PI Controllers. 1997.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Stiction Compensation in Control Valves. 1997.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Supervision of Adaptive Control Algorithms. 1997.

Technical Report:
Eva Dagnegård, Tore Hägglund: Activity Report 1995--1996. 1997.

Journal Article:
N. F. Thornhill, Tore Hägglund: Detection and Diagnosis of Oscillation in Control Loops. 1997.

Book Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers. 1996.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: Modern Controllers Supervise Valves Automatically. 1996.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: The Knocker—The Controller that Compensates for Friction in Valves. 1996.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: An Industrial Dead-Time Compensating PI Controller. 1996.

Book Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: PID Control. 1996.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: The Knocker---A Compensator for Stiction in Control Valves. November 1995.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning. 1995.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Anna Tengvall: An Automatic Tuning Procedure for Unsymmetrical Processes. 1995.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: New Tuning Methods for PID Controllers. 1995.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: A Control-Loop Performance Monitor. 1995.

Conference Contribution:
R Rengaswamy et al: A qualitative shape analysis procedure for for automtic monitoring of control loop performance. 1995.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Automatic Supervision of Control Valves. 1994.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Automatic Monitoring of Control Loop Performance. 1994.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Disturbance Supervision in Feedback Loops. April 1993.

Journal Article:
Karl Johan Åström et al: Automatic Tuning and Adaptation for PID Controllers—A Survey. 1993.

Journal Article:
Karl Johan Åström et al: Automatic Tuning of Digital Controllers with Applications to HVAC Plants. 1993.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström et al: Automatic Tuning of a Digital Controller. July 1992.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström et al: Automatic Tuning and Adaptation for PID Controllers—A Survey. July 1992.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: Disturbance Supervision in Feedback Loops. February 1992.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: A Predictive PI Controller for Processes with Long Dead Times. 1992.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Level Estimation in Ships Based on Fault Detection. 1991.

Tore Hägglund: Process Control in Practice. 1991.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Industrial Adaptive Controllers Based on Frequency Response Techniques. 1991.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: A Dead-Time Compensating Three-Term Controller. 1991.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Identification of Systems Using Periodic Excitation. 1991.

Technical Report:
Eva Dagnegård, Tore Hägglund: Activity Report 1989--1990. September 1990.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Practical Experiences of Adaptive Techniques. 1990.

Tore Hägglund: Praktisk Processreglering. 1990.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: A Frequency Domain Approach to Adaptive Control. 1990.