Tore Hägglund
Tore Hägglund
Phone: +46 46 222 87 98
Fax: +46 46 13 81 18

Publications early‒1989

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: A Predictive PI Controller for Processes with Long Dead Time. October 1989.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: An Industrial Adaptive PID Controller. August 1989.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: An Industrial Adaptive PID Controller. 1989.

Journal Article:
Tore Hägglund: Autotuning, parameterstyrning och framkoppling för bättre processreglering. 1989.

Technical Report:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: A New Auto-Tuning Design. August 1988.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Adaptive PID Control. 1988.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers. 1988.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: A New Auto-Tuning Design. 1988.

Conference Contribution:
Thomas Karlsson et al: Industrial experiences of autotuning. 1986.

Journal Article:
Lars Bååth, Tore Hägglund: Autotunern – Den flexibla regulatorn. (The autotuner – the flexible controller).. 1986.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers Based on Dominant Pole Design. October 1985.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: NSF-STU Workshop on Adaptive Control. April 1985.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers Based on Dominant Pole Design. 1985.

Technical Report:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Dominant Pole Design. 1985.

Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: Method and an Apparatus in Tuning a PID regulator. 1985.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Recursive Estimation of Slowly Time Varying Parameters. 1985.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: Adaptive Control of Systems Subject to Large Parameter Changes. 1984.

Technical Report:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators . 1984.

Journal Article:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators with Specifications on Phase and Amplitude Margins. 1984.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Adaptive Control of Systems Subject to Large Parameter Changes. 1984.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: A Frequency Domain Approach to Analysis and Design of Simple Feedback Loops. 1984.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: A New Method for Design of PID Regulators. 1984.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators. 1984.

PhD Thesis:
Tore Hägglund: New Estimation Techniques for Adaptive Control. December 1983.

Technical Report:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators for Phase and Amplitude Margins Specifications . 1983.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: The problem of forgetting old data in recursive estimation. 1983.

Conference Contribution:
Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators for Phase and Amplitude Margins Specifications. 1983.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: Recursive least squares identification with forgetting of old data. 1983.

Conference Contribution:
Tore Hägglund: Incubation time prediction in youghurt manufacturing. 1982.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: Adaptive control with fault detection. 1982.

Technical Report:
Björn Breidegard et al: A Multiprocessor DDC-package. 1981.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: A PID Tuner Based on Phase Margin Specifications. 1981.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: Use of instrumental variables in self-tuning regulators. January 1980.

Technical Report:
Tore Hägglund: A linear quadratic control of a drum boiler turbine. 1980.

Master's Thesis:
Tore Hägglund: Control of yoghurt manufacturing. May 1978.

Technical Report:
Hans Bertilsson et al: Reglering av nivå och temperatur. 1978.