Per-Ola Larsson, Francesco Casella, Fredrik Magnusson, Joel Andersson, Moritz Diehl, Johan Åkesson: "A Framework for Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control Using Object-Oriented Modeling with a Case Study in Power Plant Start-Up". In 2013 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Hyderabad, India , August 2013.
Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Niclas Carlsson, Niklas Andersson: "Model-Based Optimization of Economical Grade Changes for the Borealis Borstar Polyethylene Plant". Computers & Chemical Engineering, 46, pp. 153–166, November 2012.
Per-Ola Larsson, Tore Hägglund: "Comparison Between Robust PID and Predictive PI Controllers with Constrained Control Signal Noise Sensitivity". In IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy, March 2012.
Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Niclas Carlsson, Niklas Andersson: "Modeling of the PE3 Plant at Borealis AB". Technical Report ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--7622--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, January 2012.
Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Niklas Andersson: "Economic Cost Function Design and Grade Change Optimization for a Gas Phase Polyethylene Reactor". In 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2011.
Per-Ola Larsson: Optimization of Low-Level Controllers and High-Level Polymer Grade Changes. PhD Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--1088--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, November 2011.
Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Staffan Haugwitz, Niklas Andersson: "Modeling and Optimization of Grade Changes for Multistage Polyethylene Reactors". In 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, August 2011.
Niklas Andersson, Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Staffan Haugwitz, Bernt Nilsson: "Calibration of a polyethylene plant for grade change optimisations". In 21st European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Chalkidiki, Greece, June 2011.
Per-Ola Larsson, Tore Hägglund: "Control Signal Constraints and Filter Order Selection for {PI} and {PID} Controllers". In 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, June 2011.
Per-Ola Larsson, Niklas Andersson, Johan Åkesson, Staffan Haugwitz: "Modeling and Optimization of Grade Changes for a Polyethylene Reactor". In Reglermöte 2010, Lund, Sweden, August 2010.
Per-Ola Larsson, Johan Åkesson, Staffan Haugwitz, Niklas Andersson: "Modeling and Optimization of Grade Changes for Multistage Polyethylene Reactors". In 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden, August 2010.
Per-Ola Larsson, Niklas Andersson, Johan Åkesson, Staffan Haugwitz: "Modelica Based Grade Change Optimization for a Polyethylene Reactor". In 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, Leuven, Belgium, July 2010.
Per-Ola Larsson, Tore Hägglund: "Robustness Margins Separating Process Dynamics Uncertainties". In 2009 European Control Conference, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.
Per-Ola Larsson, Tore Hägglund: "Relations Between Control Signal Properties and Robustness Measures". In 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea , July 2008.
Per-Ola Larsson, Rolf Braun: "Construction and Control of an Educational Lab Process - The Gantry Crane". In Reglermöte 2008, Luleå, Sweden, June 2008.
Per-Ola Larsson: "Prediction of Radio Channels for OFDM by Autoregressive Modeling". In Reglermöte 2006, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2006.
Per-Ola Larsson: "Modeling and Prediction of Radio Channels for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing". Master's Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--5758--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, November 2005.