I have recently returned to the Department of Automatic Control to finish my Ph.D. exam. I was previously employed between 2005 and 2009, which resulted in a licentiate thesis called Design of Robust PID Controllers with Constrained Control Signal Activity. This work dealt with four parameter design of PID controllers, taking measurement noise sensitivity into account using a second order low-pass filter.
During my absence I have worked with Friction Stir Welding on copper canisters for nuclear waste. This has resulted in a couple of papers on cascaded control of the power input and weld zone temperature. I am currently involved in a project to also control the weld depth.
I returned to my Ph.D. studies in September 2012 and I am currently working on ways to visualize criteria and trade-offs in PID design, as well as simple tuning rules for mainly PI control.
Matlab software for robust PID design
During my previous studies at the control department, I published a software for robust PID control which finds the PI/PID controller minimizing the integrated absolute error such that robustness constraints on the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions are satisfied. The Matlab software can be downloaded using the link below.
Download software for robust PID design
Olof Garpinger: Analysis and Design of Software-Based Optimal PID Controllers. PhD Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT- -1105- -SE--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, May 2015.
Olof Garpinger: "Optimal PI and PID Parameters for a Batch of Benchmark Process Models Representative for the Process Industry". Technical Report 7645, External organization(s),2015.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund: "Software-based optimal PID design with robustness and noise sensitivity constraints". Journal of Process Control, 33:9, pp. 90–101,2015.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund: "Modeling for Optimal PID Design". In 19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Performance and robustness trade-offs in PID control". Journal of Process Control, 24:5, pp. 568–577,2014.
Isak Nielsen, Olof Garpinger, Lars Cederqvist: "Simulation based Evaluation of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for Friction Stir Welding of Nuclear Waste Canisters". In 2013 European Control Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, July 2013.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Criteria and Trade-offs in PID Design". In IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy, March 2012.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Lars Cederqvist: "Software for PID design: benefits and pitfalls". In IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy, March 2012.
Lars Cederqvist, Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Anders Robertsson: "Cascade control of the friction stir welding process to seal canisters for spent nuclear fuel". Control Engineering Practice, 20:1, pp. 35–48, January 2012.
Lars Cederqvist, Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Anders Robertsson: "Cascaded Control of Power Input and Welding Temperature During Sealing of Spent Nuclear Fuel Canisters". In Proc. ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2010.
Olof Garpinger: "Design of Robust PID Controllers with Constrained Control Signal Activity". Licentiate Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--3245--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, March 2009.
Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund: "A Software Tool for Robust PID Design". In Proc. 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 2008.
Fredrik Bjöörn, Olof Garpinger: "Modeling and Control of a Large Deformable Mirror". Master's Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--5742--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, April 2005.