I started my work as a Ph.D. student in August 2010. I received my M.Sc. degree in engineering - biotechnology from the faculty of engineering at Lund University in June 2010. My master's thesis was performed at Novozymes A/S in Bagsværd, Denmark.
My research is within the field of bioprocess control. The focus is on developing, improving and optimizing fermentation control strategies for fed-batch bioprocesses used in enzyme production.
Journal Article:
Ola Johnsson et al:
A mid-ranging control strategy for non-stationary processes and its application to dissolved oxygen control in a bioprocess.
Journal Article:
Ola Johnsson et al:
Modelling of the oxygen level response to feed rate perturbations in an industrial scale fermentation process.
Licentiate Thesis:
Ola Johnsson:
Extremum-seeking Control of Industrial-scale Fermentation Processes.
October 2013.
Journal Article:
Ola Johnsson et al:
Feed rate control in fed-batch fermentations based on frequency content analysis..
June 2013.
Conference Contribution:
Ola Johnsson et al:
A novel feeding strategy for industrial fed-batch processes based on frequency content analysis.
September 2012.
Journal Article:
Ola Johnsson et al:
A novel feeding strategy for industrial fed-batch processes based on frequency content analysis.
Journal Article:
Ola Johnsson et al:
A novel feeding strategy for industrial fed-batch processes based on frequency content analysis.
Conference Contribution:
Ola Johnsson et al:
Probing control in B. licheniformis fermentations.
August 2011.
Master's Thesis:
Ola Johnsson:
Probing Control in B. licheniformis Fermentations.
May 2010.
Spring 2011
FRT010 Automatic control, basic course
FRT081 Process control
FRT110 Systems engineering
Autumn 2011
KTE071 Biochemical reaction engineering
Spring 2012
FRT081 Process control
FRT110 Systems engineering
Autumn 2012
Spring 2013
FRT081 Process control
FRT110 Systems engineering
Autumn 2013
FRTN10 Multivariable control
FRTN15 Predictive control
Spring 2014
FRT081 Process control
FRT110 Systems engineering