After finishing my degree in Electrical Engineering with focus on Control Systems at Hamburg University of Technology in 2009, I started as a Ph.D Student here at the Department of Automatic Control.
Until March 2013, I worked within the European project DIAdvisor. There I was involved in research about predictive control for regulating the blood glucose concentration in diabetic patients. Further details about the project can be found here.
Since then, I am working within the area of Building Management. I am looking at the possibilities of improving temperature regulation and occupant comfort by using PID control and decoupling networks.
In June 2016, I will defend my Ph.D. thesis.
Meike Stemmann, Anders Rantzer: "Temperature control of two interacting rooms with decoupled PI Control". 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
Marzia Cescon, Meike Stemmann, Rolf Johansson: "Impulsive Predictive Control of T1DM Glycemia: an In-Silico Study", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2012.
Meike Stemmann: "Predictive Control of Diabetic Glycemia", Licentiate Thesis TFRT-3258, Lund University, 2013
Marzia Cescon, Meike Stemmann, Rolf Johansson: "Impulsive Predictive Control of T1DM Glycemia: an In-Silico Study". Reglermöte, 2012
Meike Stemmann, Rolf Johansson: "Diabetic Blood Glucose Control Via Optimization Over Insulin and Glucose Doses". 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, August 29 - 31, 2012, Budapest, Hungary.
Meike Stemmann, Rolf Johansson: "Control of Type 1 Diabetes via Risk-Minimization for Multi Dose Injection Patients". 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes, February 8 - 11, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
Meike Stemmann, Fredrik Ståhl, Jordane Lallemand, Eric Renard, Rolf Johansson: "Sensor Calibration Models for a Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Sensor". In Proc. of IEEE EMBS 32nd Annual International Conference (EMBC2010), August 31 - September 4, 2010, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
FRT010 Reglerteknik AK (FPi) (Spring 2010)
FRTN15 Predictive Control (Autumn 2010, Autumn 2011, Autumn 2012)
FRT041 System Identification (Spring 2011, Spring 2012)