I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Automatic Control since Dec. 2011. I received a M.Sc. in Information Technology Engineering - Secure Telecom from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2007. I had worked for four years in telecom sector when I decided to indulge myself in further academic studies in 2009. Consequently, I started a master program in Robotics and Intelligent Systems in Örebro University. After a year, I joined LTH as a guest student where I took extra courses in control and software engineering. In addition, I carried out my thesis project under the joint supervision of the cerebellar neurophysiology group and the control department at Lund University, which led to my current position.
Research Interests
I appreciate the notion of developmental robotics, which aims to create intelligent robots by allowing them to go through a developmental process, rather than directly engineering the “intelligence.” It is interesting to investigate what initial control architecture and adaptive mechanisms are required for this purpose.
- Robotics
- Systems and control theory
- Dynamic simulation
- Machine learning
Journal Article:
Joao Bimbo et al: Exploiting Robot Hand Compliance and Environmental Constraints for Edge Grasps. 2019.Journal Article:
M. Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani et al: Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Point-to-Point Trajectory Generation. 2019.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani et al: Master-Slave Coordination Using Virtual Constraints for a Redundant Dual-Arm Haptic Interface. October 2018.Conference Contribution:
Marco Ojer de Andrés et al: Reinforcement Learning for 4-Finger-Gripper Manipulation. May 2018.Journal Article:
Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani, Fredrik Magnusson: Ball-and-finger system: modeling and optimal trajectories. 2018.Conference Contribution:
Martino Capurso et al: Sensorless Kinesthetic Teaching of Robotic Manipulators Assisted by Observer-Based Force Control. May 2017.Journal Article:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: On the Convergence of Iterative Learning Control. 2017.PhD Thesis:
Mahdi Ghazaei: On Trajectory Generation for Robots. November 2016.Technical Report:
Mahdi Ghazaei, Rolf Johansson: Recovery of Uniform Samples and Spectrum of Band-limited Irregularly Sampled Signals. June 2016.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: Online Minimum-Jerk Trajectory Generation. September 2015.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: Real-Time Trajectory Generation Using Model Predictive Control. August 2015.Conference Contribution:
Andreas Stolt et al: Sensorless Friction-Compensated Passive Lead-Through Programming for Industrial Robots. September 2015.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: An Analytic Solution to Fixed-Time Point-to-Point Trajectory Planning. September 2015.Licentiate Thesis:
Mahdi Ghazaei: Topics in Trajectory Generation for Robots. April 2015.Journal Article:
Mahdi Ghazaei Ardakani et al: Trajectory Generation for Assembly Tasks via Bilateral Teleoperation. 2014.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: Trajectory Generation for Assembly Tasks Via Bilateral Teleoperation. August 2014.Conference Contribution:
Pål Johan From et al: Hybrid Stiff/Compliant Workspace Control for Robotized Minimally Invasive Surgery. August 2014.Conference Contribution:
Mahdi Ghazaei et al: ORF-MOSAIC for Adaptive Control of a Biomimetic Arm. November 2011.Master's Thesis:
M. Mahdi Ghazaei A.: Adaptive Control of Arm Movement based on Cerebellar Model. June 2011.- Mahdi Ghazaei, Shahriar B. Shokouhi, “Study of Facial Features Combination Using a Novel Adaptive Fuzzy Integral Fusion Model,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E91-D, No.7, Jul. 2008.
- Mahdi Ghazaei, Alireza Etemadfar, “Development of an Active Noise Controller Using TMS320VC5510 Starter Kit,” UKACC International Control Conference, Glasgow, Aug. 2006.