Karl Johan Åström
Karl Johan Åström
Emeritus Professor
Phone: +46 46 222 87 81
Fax: +46 46 13 81 18

Publications 2000 – present


Karl Johan Åström, Richard M. Murray: Feedback Systems : An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark: Computer-controlled systems : theory and design (3. rev. Dover ed.). Dover Publications, 2011.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Control PID avanzado. Pearson, Madrid, 2009.

Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark: Adaptive Control (2 rev. Dover ed.). Dover Publications, 2008.

Karl Johan Åström, Richard M. Murray: Feedback Systems : An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers. Princeton University Press, 2008.

Daniel Jerome Block, Karl Johan Åström, Mark W. Spong: The Reaction Wheel Pendulum. Morgan & Claypool, 2007.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: Advanced PID Control. ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, 2006.

Karl Johan Åström: Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory. Dover Publications, 2006.

Karl Johan Åström: Introduction to control. Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology (LTH), 2004.

Karl Johan Åström, Stephen P. Boyd, Roger W. Brockett, Gunter Stein, Richard M. Murray: Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003.

Karl Johan Åström: A tribute to the memory of an outstanding scientist Harry Nyquist (1889-1976). Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), 2003.

Book Contributions

Tore Hägglund, Karl J. Åström: "Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers". In William S. Levine (Ed.): The Control Handbook, CRC Press/Balkema, 2018.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "Design methods : PID Control". In: The Control Handbook : Control System Fundamentals, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2017.

Karl Johan Åström: "Event Based Control". In Alessandro Astolfi, Lorenzo Marconi (Eds.): Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems : In Honor of Alberto Isidori, Springer, 2008.

Alexandre R. Mesquita, João P. Hespanha, Karl Johan Åström: "Optimotaxis: A Stochastic Multi-agent on Site Optimization Procedure". In Magnus Egerstedt, Bud Mishra (Eds.): Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Springer, 2008.

Karl Johan Åström: "Modeling of Complex Systems". In Weibo Gong, Leyuan Shi (Eds.): Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems - In Honor of Professor Yu-Chi Ho, Springer, 2003.

Karl Johan Åström, Bo Bernhardsson: "Systems with Lebesgue sampling". In: Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences), Springer, 2003.

Karl Johan Åström: "Model Uncertainty and Feedback". In Pedro Albertos, Antonio Sala Piqueras (Eds.): Iterative Identification and Control, Springer, 2002.

Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark: "On Self-Tuning Regulators". In Tamer Basar (Ed.): Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers (1932-1981), John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2001.

Journal Articles

Karl Johan Åström: "Pioneers in CAS : Harry Nyquist". IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, 22:1, pp. 77–78, 2022.

Luca Simoni, Manuel Beschi, Antonio Visioli, Karl Johan Åström: "Inclusion of the dwell time effect in the LuGre friction model". Mechatronics, 66, 2020.

Petar Scepanovic, Cécile Alanio, Christian Hammer, Flavia Hodel, Jacob Bergstedt, Etienne Patin, Christian W. Thorball, Nimisha Chaturvedi, Bruno Charbit, Laurent Abel, Lluis Quintana-Murci, Darragh Duffy, Matthew L. Albert, Jacques Fellay, Andres Alcover, Hugues Aschard, Philippe Bousso, Pierre Bruhns, Ana Cumano, Caroline Demangel, Ludovic Deriano, James Di Santo, Françoise Dromer, Gérard Eberl, Jost Enninga, Odile Gelpi, Ivo Gomperts-Boneca, Milena Hasan, Claude Leclerc, Hugo Mouquet, Sandra Pellegrini, Lars Rogge, Anavaj Sakuntabhai, Olivier Schwartz, Benno Schwikowski, Spencer Shorte, Frédéric Tangy, Marie Noëlle Ungeheuer, Kalla Astrom, Serge Hercberg, Mathilde Touvier, Olivier Lantz, Vassili Soumelis, Stanislas Pol, Antonio Rausell, Eric Tartour, Antoine Toubert: "Human genetic variants and age are the strongest predictors of humoral immune responses to common pathogens and vaccines". Genome Medicine, 10:1, 2018.

Josefin Berner, Kristian Soltesz, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "An experimental comparison of PID autotuners". Control Engineering Practice, 73, pp. 124–133, 2018.

Josefin Berner, Kristian Soltesz, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Autotuner identification of TITO systems using a single relay feedback experiment". IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50:1, pp. 6619–6623, 2017.

Pedro Mercader, Karl Johan Åström, Alfonso Banos, Tore Hägglund: "Robust PID design based on QFT and convex-concave optimization". IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 25:2, pp. 441–452, 2017.

Josefin Berner, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Asymmetric relay autotuning - Practical features for industrial use". Control Engineering Practice, 54, pp. 231–245, 2016.

Stephen Boyd, Martin Hast, Karl Johan Åström: "MIMO PID Tuning via Iterated LMI Restriction". International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 26:8, pp. 1718–1731, 2015.

Jonathan P. Epperlein, Bassam Bamieh, Karl Johan Åström: "Thermoacoustics and the Rijke Tube: Experiments, Identification, and Modeling". IEEE Control Systems, 35:2, pp. 57–77, 2015.

Karl Johan Åström, P. R. Kumar: "Control: A perspective". Automatica, 50:1, pp. 3–43, 2014.

Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Performance and robustness trade-offs in PID control". Journal of Process Control, 24:5, pp. 568–577, 2014.

Evgeny Kharisov, Naira Hovakimyan, Karl Johan Åström: "Comparison of architectures and robustness of model reference adaptive controllers and L-1 adaptive controllers". International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 28:7-8, pp. 633–663, 2014.

Vanessa Romero Segovia, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Measurement noise filtering for PID controllers". Journal of Process Control, 24:4, pp. 299–313, 2014.

Vanessa Romero Segovia, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Measurement noise filtering for common PID tuning rules". Control Engineering Practice, 32, pp. 43–63, 2014.

Payam Amani, Bertil Aspernäs, Karl Johan Åström, Manfred Dellkrantz, Maria Kihl, Gabriela Radu, Anders Robertsson, Andreas Torstensson: "Application of Control Theory to a Commercial Mobile Service Support System". International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, 5:3&4, 2012.

Magnus Linderoth, Anders Robertsson, Karl Åström, Rolf Johansson: "Vision Based Tracker for Dart-Catching Robot". IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 42:16, pp. 717–722, 2009.

Qing-Guo Wang, Zhiping Zhang, Karl Johan Åström, Lee See Chek: "Guaranteed dominant pole placement with PID controllers". Journal of Process Control, 19:2, pp. 349–352, 2009.

Keith B. Purvis, Karl Johan Åström, Mustafa Khammash: "Estimation and Optimal Configurations for Localization Using Cooperative UAVs". IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16:5, pp. 947–958, 2008.

José Luis Guzmán, Karl Johan Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Tore Hägglund, Manuel Berenguel, Yves Piguet: "Interactive Learning Modules for PID Control". IEEE Control Systems, 28:5, pp. 118–134, 2008.

Karl Johan Åström, Javier Aracil, Francisco Gordillo: "A family of smooth controllers for swinging up a pendulum". Automatica, 44:7, pp. 1841–1848, 2008.

Karl Johan Åström, Carlos Canudas de Wit: "Revisiting the LuGre Friction Model". IEEE Control Systems, 28:6, pp. 101–114, 2008.

Georg Schitter, Karl Johan Åström, Barry E. DeMartini, Philipp J. Thurner, Kimberly L. Turner, Paul K. Hansma: "Design and Modeling of a High-Speed AFM-Scanner". IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 15:5, pp. 906–915, 2007.

Abhishek Srivastava, Karl Johan Åström, Kimberly L. Turner: "Experimental Characterization of Micro-Friction on a Mica Surface Using the Lateral Motion and Force Measurement Capability of an Instrumented Indenter". Tribology Letters, 27:3, pp. 315–322, 2007.

Karl Johan Åström: "Early Control Development in Sweden". European Journal of Control, 13:1, 2007.

Karl Johan Åström, Richard E. Klein, Anders Lennartsson: "Bicycle Dynamics and Control". Control Systems Magazine, 25:4, pp. 26–47, 2005.

Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Revisiting the Ziegler-Nichols step response method for PID control". Journal of Process Control, 14:6, pp. 635–650, 2004.

Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Revisiting the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules for PI control - Part II, The frequency response method". Asian Journal of Control, 6:4, pp. 469–482, 2004.

Richard Murray, Karl Johan Åström, Stephen P. Boyd, R. W. Brockett, G. Stein: "Future Directions in Control in an Information-rich World". Control Systems Magazine, 23:2, pp. 20–33, 2003.

Karl Henrik Johansson, Andrey E. Barabanov, Karl Johan Åström: "Limit cycles with chattering in relay feedback systems". IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47:9, pp. 1414–1423, 2002.

Zhang Yuzhu, Qing-Guo Wang, Karl Johan Åström: "Dominant pole placement for multi-loop control systems". Automatica, 38:7, pp. 1213–1220, 2002.

C.C. Hang, Karl Johan Åström, Q. G. Wang: "Relay Feedback Auto-tuning of Process Controllers – A Tutorial Review". Journal of Process Control, 12:1, pp. 143–162, 2002.

Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Revisiting the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules for PI control". Asian Journal of Control, 4:4, pp. 364–380, 2002.

Karl Johan Åström, Karl Henrik Johansson, Q.G. Wang: "Design of decoupled PI controller for two-by-two systems". IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications, 149:1, pp. 74–81, 2002.

Anders Wallén, Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "Loop-shaping design of PID controllers with constant Ti/Td ratio". Asian Journal of Control, 4:4, pp. 403–409, 2002.

Hélène Panagopoulos, Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "Design of PID controllers based on constrained optimisation". IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications, 149:1, pp. 32–40, 2002.

Karl Johan Åström: "Control Problems in Paper Making: Revisited". Pulp & Paper Canada, 102:6, pp. 39–44, 2001.

Henrik Ohlsson, Karl Johan Åström: "Friction Generated Limit Cycles". IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 9:4, pp. 629–636, 2001.

Karl Johan Åström, J. Lunze: "Warum können wir Fahrrad fahren". Automatisierungstechnik, 49:10, pp. 427–435, 2001.

Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "The future of PID control". Control Engineering Practice, 9:11, pp. 1163–1175, 2001.

Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Supervision of adaptive control algorithms". Automatica, 36:8, pp. 1171–1180, 2000.

Karl Johan Åström: "Limitations on Control System Performance". European Journal of Control, 6:1, pp. 2–20, 2000.

Karl Johan Åström, Katsuhisa Furuta: "Swinging up a Pendulum by Energy Control". Automatica, 36:2, pp. 278–285, 2000.

Karl Johan Åström, Rodney D. Bell: "Drum Boiler Dynamics". Automatica, 36:3, pp. 363–378, 2000.

Hélène Panagopoulos, Karl Johan Åström: "PID control design and $H_infty$ loop shaping". International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 10:15, pp. 1249–1261, 2000.

Conference Contributions

Marcus Greiff, Patrik Persson, Zhiyong Sun, Karl Astrom, Anders Robertsson: "Quadrotor Control on SU(2)× R3with SLAM Integration". In 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2022, Trieste, Italy, August 2022.

Jonas Hansson, Magnus Svensson, Alfred Theorin, Emma Tegling, Kristian Soltesz, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Next generation relay autotuners—analysis and implementation". In IEEE Conference on Control Technologies and Applications, San Diego, United States, August 2021.

Magnus Lundh, Alfred Theorin, Tore Hägglund, Jonas Hansson, Magnus Svensson, Karl Johan Åström, Kristian Soltesz: "Model optimization for autotuners in industrial control systems". In 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Västerås, Sweden, September 2021.

Josefin Berner, Kristian Soltesz, Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "Practical Evaluation of a Novel Multivariable Relay Autotuner with Short and Efficient Excitation". In IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, CCTA 2017, Kohala Coast, United States, August 2017.

Josefin Berner, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Improved Relay Autotuning using Normalized Time Delay". In American Control Conference, 2016, Boston, United States, July 2016.

José Luis Guzmán, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Manolo Berenguel, Yves Piquet: "Understanding PID design through interactive tools". In 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.

Jonathan P. Epperlein, Bassam Bamieh, Karl Johan Åström: "Control Laboratory Experiments in ThermoAcoustics Using the Rijke Tube". In American Control Conference, 2014, Portland, OR, United States, June 2014.

Vanessa Romero Segovia, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Design of measurement noise filters for PID control". In 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.

Josefin Berner, Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund: "Towards a New Generation of Relay Autotuners". In 19th IFAC World Congress, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.

Anders Pettersson, Karl Johan Åström, Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson: "Nonlinear Feedforward and Reference Systems for Adaptive Flight Control". In 2013 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Boston, MA, United States, August 2013.

Martin Hast, Karl Johan Åström, Bo Bernhardsson, Stephen P. Boyd: "PID Design by Convex-Concave Optimization". In European Control Conference, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2013.

Vanessa Romero Segovia, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Noise filtering in PI and PID Control". In American Control Conference, 2013, Washington, DC, United States, June 2013.

Anders Pettersson, Karl Johan Åström, Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson: "Augmenting L1 Adaptive Control of Piecewise Constant Type to a Fighter Aircraft. Performance and Robustness Evaluation for Rapid Maneuvering". In 2012 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, August 2012.

Manfred Dellkrantz, Maria Kihl, Anders Robertsson, Karl Johan Åström: "Event-Based Response Time Estimation". In 7th International Workshop on Feedback Computing, September 2012.

Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Criteria and Trade-offs in PID Design". In IFAC Conference on Advances in PID Control, Brescia, Italy, March 2012.

Anders Pettersson, Karl Johan Åström, Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson: "Analysis of Linear L1 Adaptive Control Architectures for Aerospace Applications". In 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2012, Maui, Hawaii, United States, December 2012.

José Luis Guzmán, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Manuel Berenguel, Yves Piguet: "Feedforward Control Concepts through Interactive Tools". In 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011, Milan, Italy, August 2011.

Karl Johan Åström: "Control and Estimation in Force Feedback Sensors". In Workshop on Dynamics and Control of Microscale and Nanoscale Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2011.

Karl Johan Åström: "A Perspective on Modeling and Simulation of Complex Dynamical Systems". In Conference on Integrated Modeling of Complex Optomechanical Systems, Kiruna, Sweden, August 2011.

Magnus Linderoth, Anders Robertsson, Karl Åström, Rolf Johansson: "Object Tracking with Measurements from Single or Multiple Cameras". In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, United States, May 2010.

Evgeny Kharisov, Naira Hovakimyan, Karl Johan Åström: "Comparison of Several Adaptive Controllers According to Their Robustness Metrics". In 2010 AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 2010.

Kristian Soltesz, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Transfer Function Parameter Identification by Modified Relay Feedback". In American Control Conference, 2010, Baltimore, MD, United States, June 2010.

José Luis Guzmán, Karl Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund, Sebastián Dormido, Manuel Berenguel, Yves Piguet: "Interactive Learning Module for Control Interaction Understanding". In European Control Conference, 2009, Budapest, Hungary, August 2009.

Kari Moran, Barry E. DeMartini, Kimberly L. Turner, Karl Johan Åström: "Frequency Resolution of a Multi Degree of Freedom Resonator". In 2009 IEEE Sensors, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 2009.

Zi Yie, Nitin Kataria, Chris Burgner, Karl Johan Åström, Forrest Brewer, Kimberley Turner: "Control Design for Force Balance Sensors". In American Control Conference 2009, St Louis, MO, United States, June 2009.

Chris Burgner, Zi Yie, Nitin Kataria, Laura Oropeza, Karl Johan Åström, Forrest Brewer, Kimberly L. Turner: "Digital Control of Tunneling Accelerometer". In 2009 IEEE Sensors, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 2009.

Laura Oropeza, Nitin Kataria, Chris Burgner, Karl Johan Åström, Forrest Brewer, Kimberly L. Turner: "Noise Analysis of a Tunneling Accelerometer Based on State Space Stochastic Theory". In State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, South Carolina, United States, June 2008.

José Luis Guzmán, Karl Johan Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Tore Hägglund, Yves Piguet, Manuel Berenguel: "Interactive Learning Module: Basic Modelling and Identification Concepts". In 17th IFAC World Congress, 2008, Seoul, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, July 2008.

Anton Cervin, Karl Johan Åström: "On Limit Cycles in Event-Based Control Systems". In 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2007, New Orleans, LA, United States, December 2007.

Masami Iwase, Karl Johan Åström, Katsuhisa Furuta, Johan Åkesson: "Analysis of safe manual control by using Furuta pendulum". In 2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Munich, Germany, October 2006.

G. Schitter, Karl Johan Åström, B. DeMartini, G.E. Fantner, Ph. J. Thurner, K.J. Turner, P.K. Hansma: "Designing and Modeling of a High-Speed Scanner for Atomic Force Microscopy". In American Control Conference, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, June 2006.

Toivo Henningsson, Karl Johan Åström: "Log-concave Observers". In 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2006, Kyoto, Japan, July 2006.

Georg Schitter, Karl Johan Åström, Barry E DeMartini, Georg E. Fartner, Kimberly L. Turner, Philipp J. Thurner, Paul K. Hansma: "Design and Modeling of a High-Speed Scanner for Atomic Force Microscopy". In American Control Conference, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, June 2006.

K.B. Purvis, Karl Johan Åström: "Estimating Radar Positions Using Unmanned Air Vehicle Temas Engaged in Cooperative Deception". In American Control Conference, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, June 2006.

José Luis Guzmán, Karl Johan Åström, Sebastián Dormido, Tore Hägglund, Yves Piguet: "Interactive Learning Modules for PID Control". In 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, 2006, Madrid, Spain, June 2006.

Karl Johan Åström: "Challenges in Control Education". In 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, 2006, Madrid, Spain, June 2006.

Johan Åkesson, Karl Johan Åström: "Manual Control and Stabilization of an Inverted Pendulum". In Pavel Piztek (Ed.): Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.

Karl Johan Åström, Javier Aracil, Francisco Gordillo: "A new family of smooth strategies for swinging up a pendulum". In Pavel Piztek (Ed.): Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.

K.B. Purvis, Karl Johan Åström, M. H. Khammash: "Estimating radar positions using unmanned air vehicle teams engaged in cooperative deception". In: American Control Conference, 2005. Proceedings of the 2005, 2005.

Ola Slätteke, Karl Johan Åström: "Modeling of a Steam Heated Rotating Cylinder—A Grey-Box Approach". In American Control Conference, 2005, Portland, OR, United States, June 2005.

Ola Slätteke, Karl Johan Åström: "A grey-box model for steam pressure dynamics in the drying section of a paper machine". In Reglermöte 2004, Göteborg, Sweden, May 2004.

Aruna Ranaweera, Karl Johan Åström, Bassam Bamieh: "Lateral Mean Exit Time of a Spherical Particle Trapped in an Optical Tweezer". In: Decision and Control, 2004. CDC. 43rd IEEE Conference on, 2004.

Ari Ingimundarson, Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström: "Criteria for Design of PID Controllers". In 2nd IFAC conference Control System Design, September 2003.

K. J. Åström, B. M. Bernhardsson: "Comparison of Riemann and Lebesgue sampling for first order stochastic systems". In 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, United States, December 2002.

Anders Wallén, Karl Johan Åström: "Pulse-step Control". In: Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress 2002, 2002.

L. Magni, R. Scattolini, Karl Johan Åström: "Global Stabilization of the Inverted Pendulum Using Model Predictive Control". In: Proceedings of the 15th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, 2002.

Karl Johan Åström, Bo Bernhardsson: "Comparison of Riemann and Lebesque sampling for first order stochastic systems". In: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002, 2002.

Mark W. Spong, Dan Block, Karl Johan Åström: "The Mechatronics Control Kit for Education and Research". In: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2001. (CCA '01)., 2001.

Johan Åkesson, Karl Johan Åström: "Safe Manual Control of the Furuta Pendulum". In 2001 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Mexico City, Mexico, September 2001.

Jonas Eborn, Karl Johan Åström: "Modeling of a Boiler Pipe with Two-Phase Flow Instabilities". In: Modelica Workshop 2000 Proceedings, 2000.

Technical Reports

Karl Johan Åström, Jacob Apkarian, Hervé Lacheray: "DC Motor Control Trainer (DCMCT)". Technical Report Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, April 2005.

Björn Wittenmark, Karl-Erik Årzén, Karl Johan Åström: "Computer Control: An Overview". Technical Report Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, April 2002.

Karl Johan Åström: "Modeling of Dynamic Systems Applications to Physics, Engineering, Biology, and Medicine". Technical Report Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, April 2001.