Time-Optimal Trajectory Generation
Modelica and Optimica models, to be used with JModelica.org for vehicle optimization, are available here. An installation of JModelica.org and IPOPT is necessary. The optimization is executed from the attached Python script. The zip-file contains:
- A .mo file, which contains the vehicle models. Two chassis models and two tire models are implemented, yielding four models in total. See the report for more information.
- A .mop file, which contains the optimization formulation. The formulation is of minimum-time character, and the road segment consists of a 90 deg turn. This paper describes the road segment and optimization formulation.
We have developed software for performing particle filtering and smoothing in Python. See the technical report for an introduction to the underlying implementation of the framework. The report also provides an introductory example of how to solve Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering and smoothing problems using the framework.
The software is now maintained and improved solely by Jerker Nordh.
pyParticleEst - Open source Python framework for particle-based estimation, hosted on GitHub. The software is updated regularly, meaning that the technical report above may not be entirely up to date.
nxt_slam - Software for doing SLAM using Lego Mindstorms hardware, implemented using Python, Scipy, Numpy, and pyParticleEst.