Ph.D. student at the Dept. of Automatic Control since January 2013.
I am working in the KCFP PPC control project. My research is focused on how the combustion process in PPC can be controlled using multiple injection strategies and model based control.
I defended my Licenciate thesis Model-Based Control of Gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion in December, 2015.
I defended my PhD thesis Model-Based Optimization of Combustion-Engine Control in June, 2018.
Ingesson, G., 2018. Model-Based Optimization of Combustion-Engine Control. PhD Thesis.
Ingesson, Gabriel, et al. "Proportional–Integral Controller Design for Combustion-Timing Feedback, From n-Heptane to Iso-Octane in Compression–Ignition Engines." Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 140.5 (2018): 054502.
Ingesson, Gabriel, et al. "An investigation on ignition-delay modelling for control." International Journal of Powertrains 6.3 (2017): 282-306.
Ingesson, Gabriel, et al. "Efficiency Optimal, Maximum Pressure Control in Compression Ignition Engines." IEEE Xplore Digital Library (2017).
Ingesson, G., Yin, L., Johansson, R. and Tunestål, P., 2016. Evaluation of Nonlinear Estimation Methods for Calibration of a Heat-Release Model. SAE International Journal of Engines, 9(2016-01-0820), pp.1191-1200.
Ingesson, G., Yin, L., Johansson, R. and Tunestål, P., 2015. Simultaneous Control of Combustion Timing and Ignition Delay in Multi-Cylinder Partially Premixed Combustion. SAE International Journal of Engines, 8(2015-24-2424), pp.2089-2098.
Ingesson, G., Yin, L., Johansson, R. and Tunestal, P., 2015. A Model-Based Injection-Timing Strategy for Combustion-Timing Control. SAE International Journal of Engines, 8(2015-01-0870), pp.1012-1020.
Yin, L., Ingesson, G., Shamun, S., Tunestål, P., Johansson, R. and Johansson, B., 2015. Sensitivity Analysis of Partially Premixed Combustion (PPC) for Control Purposes (No. 2015-01-0884). SAE Technical Paper.
Basic Course (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
Multivariable Control (2015, 2016)
Real-Time Systems (2014, 2015, 2016)
Predictive Control (2017)
Completed Courses (ECTS)
Convex Optimization with Applications (7.5)
Advanced PID Control (7.5)
Distributed Control (6.0)
Linear Systems (9.0)
Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals (15.0)
Funtional Analysis in System Theory (9.0)
Statistical Machine Learning (9.0)
Optimal Control (7.5)
System Identification (7.5)
Game Theory (8.0)
Computational Linear Algebra (7.5)
Internal Fire, History of Internal Combustion Engines (6.0)
Robust Control (9.0)
Julia for Scientific Programming (5.0)
Numerical Optimization (7.5)
Programming Languages and Concepts (7.5)
History of Control (3.0)
Deep Learning (7.5)
Motion Planning and Control (9.0)
Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (5.0)
Model Predictive Control (6.0)
Detection Theory (9.0)
Constant-Pressure-Cycle Control
NO and Exhaust-Temperature Control