I joined the Department of Automatic Control as a Ph.D. student in August of 2008 under the supervision of Anders Rantzer. I defended my thesis in June 2014.
My current research intrests are in system theory, with emphasis on control of complex systems, optimization, as well as application of control theory to wind energy systems.
Selected Publictions
Daria Madjidian, Leonid Mirkin: "Distributed Control with Low-Rank Coordination". IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 1:1, pp. 53–63,2014
Daria Madjidian, Leonid Mirkin and Anders Rantzer: "Optimal Coordination of Homogeneous Agents subject to Delayed Information Exchange". To appear in Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, CA, December 2014