I'm currently a Research Associate at the Department of Engineering at the Cambridge University, United Kingdom. Prior to that, I was a postdoc and PhD student at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund University from January 2012 till December 2017.
In Feburary 2017, I received a Ph.D. degree from Lund University. During my undergraduate studies, I was a double degree student of Industrial Mathematics (Technomathematik) at TU Kaiserslautern and Engineering Mathematics (Teknisk Matematik) at LTH Lund. I received a Diploma degree from TU Kaiserslautern and an MSc degree from LTH Lund in Decemeber 2011.
So far, my research interests included theoretical developments in Model reduction, Positive and Invariant Systems, Low-rank/Sparse Approximation and Optimization, as well as their applications to problems in Machine Learning, System Identification and Single Processing.
Software for Low-Rank Optimization with Low-Rank Inducing Norms can be found for:
- PhD Thesis: Rank Reduction with Convex Constraints (see software above)
- Master Thesis (Diplomarbeit): Model Reduction of Positive Systems
- Low-rank Inducing Norms with Optimality Interpretations (see software above)
- Low-rank Optimization with Convex Constraints (see software above)
Conference contributions:
- CDC 2017: Local Convergence of Proximal Splittinge Methods for Rank Constrained Problems (see software above)
- CDC 2016: The Use of the r* Heuristic in Covariance Completion Problems
- CDC 2015: On optimal low-rank approximation of non-negative matirces (see software above)
- CDC 2014: Modified balanced truncation preserving ellipsoidal cone-invariance
- CDC 2012: A Symmetry Approach for Balanced Truncation of Positive Linear Systems
- GAMM 2012: Balanced truncation of positive systems
Teaching assistant at Lund:
- 2015: Reglertknik AK FIPI, ED, Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems
- 2014: Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems, Reglerteori
- 2013: International Project Course
- 2012: Reglerteknik AK FIPi, ED, CMN
- TU Kaiserslautern 2010/2011: Praktische Mathematik: Numerik
Research visiting student:
- 2016: University of Minnesota: Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
- 2014: California Institute of Technology, Host: Venkat Chandrasekaran