Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation matter!
Entrepreneurship is often thought of as the act of commercializing an innovation. In modern open economies, entrepreneurship is one of the key aspects for creative disruption and thereby also economic growth. Entrepreneurship in a society can exist at three distinct levels; individual, firm and macro level. A success at the macro level cannot be achieved without successful entrepreneurship at the firm level and the individual level since the macroclimate is grown out of these.
What makes the ecosystem of Business, Innovation, Leadership and Technology, interesting to study and understand, is the vital effect it has on the outcome of Entrepreneurship at the individual, firm and societal levels.
I spend the academic year 2013/2014 as a visiting scholar at CET, UC Berkeley, CA, USA (CET = Center for Entrepreneruship and Technology), during which I participated in the developement of the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMoE). More info about CET at CET's homepage.
Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship (BMoE)
More information about the Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship in the BMoE-paper.
The 4-day BMoE-workshop taking place at UC Berkeley in mid-January and Mid-August every year, might be of interest to you. I usually participate as a mentor. If you are interested, please contact CET directly or contac me (and I will help you).
European Innovation Academy
The 3-week summer school European Innovation Academy, might be of interest to you. If you are interested, please contact EIA directly or contac me (and I will help you).
Course: international Market-Driven Engineering (iMDE)
The world is becoming more international and cutting edge knowledge in marketing, design, engineering and innovation, in a global world is becoming a valuable asset for the society. There is a lack of people with the ability to connect market needs and innovations with design and product development, especially in an international context. International Market Driving Engineering (iMDE) is aimed at providing these knowledge and skills. The 6-week course iMDE is aimed at providing these skills and abilities. iMDE is run as a collaboration between Technology Management at Lund University Sweden (LU), and three schools at Zhejiang University China (ZJU). More infomation about the course is available on the course homepage.
Each year the 8 student-groups deliver 8 innovations related to a theme.
- Fall 2014 the course theme was "Cars and Clean Air" (link).
- Fall 2013 the course theme was "Inclusion" (link).
- Fall 2012 the course theme was "Helping every day life" (link).