Curriculum Vitae for Björn Wittenmark (PDF)
Björn Wittenmark was born in Växjö, Sweden March 7, 1943. He is now a Full Professor at the Department of Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology (LTH), Lund, Sweden. His main research interests are in the fields of adaptive control, digital control, and process control.
Department of Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden. Phone +46-46-222 87 88. Fax +46-46-13 81 18.
- Master of Engineering (Civilingenjörsexamen) in Electrical Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology, 1966
- Teknologie licentiat degree in Automatic Control and Computer Science at Lund Institute of Technology, 1971
- Ph.D. (Teknisk doktorsexamen) in Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology, 1973
- Honorary Docent in Automatic Control at Lund Institute of Technology, 1977
- Professor emeritus in Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 2010-
- Full professor in Automatic Control, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University, 1989-2010
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor of Lund University, 2003-2008
- Head of the Department of Automatic Control, LTH, 1987-1994, 2000-2003
- Deputy Dean of Lund Institute of Technology, 1996-1999
- Senior lecturer at Automatic Control, LTH, 1970-89
- Research engineer at Automatic Control, LTH, 1969-70
- Teaching assistant at Automatic Control, LTH, 1966-69
He is the coauthor of seven books in the area of automatic control, digital control, and adaptive control. He has coauthored the books Computer Controlled Systems and Adaptive Control. He has contributed with more than 100 published books, papers, and conference contributions.
Professional activities
- Appointed member in 1990 and elected member 1992-1994, 2002-2004 of the Board of Governors of the Control System Society of IEEE.
- Associated editor and/or member of the editorial board for Automatica, Optimal Control Applications & Methods, Journal of Forecasting, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction of Automatic Control.
- Member of program committees for many international conferences.
- Reviewer for numerous journals, for instance Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, International Journal of Control, and IEE Proceedings.
- Long term visits at several universities, including University of Connecticut and University of Newcastle, Australia.
Awards and recognitions
- Elected Fellow of IEEE for his research in adaptive control with the motivation: ``For contributions to adaptive control and to the development of self-tuning regulators'' in 1991.
- He received (together with K. J. Åström) the IFAC Congress Control Engineering Textbook Prize in 1993 for Computer Controlled Systems with the citing ``this book has had a major impact on the teaching and practice of control''.
- Member of Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet (Royal Physiographical Society), Lund, 1997
- The paper On Self-Tuning Regulators, Automatica 1973 (coauthored with Karl Johan Åström) was selected by IEEE Control System Society to be reprinted in the book Control Theory: Twenty-Five Seminal Papers edited by Tamer Basar, IEEE Press 2000.