I defended my thesis "Hierarchical Scheduling and Utility Disturbance Management in the Process Industry" on October 11, 2013. My research interests include process control, planning, scheduling, and disturbance management within the process industry. The research project "Hierarchical scheduling and utility disturbance management" is a part of the Process Industry Centre, which is a collaboration between Lund University, Linköping University, and several industrial partners from the Swedish process industry.
Anna Lindholm, Nils-Petter Nytzén: "Hierarchical scheduling and disturbance management in the process industry". Computers & Chemical Engineering, 71, pp. 489–500,2014.
Anna Lindholm, Helene Lidestam, Nils-Hassan Quttineh: "Hierarchical Production Scheduling - A Case Study at Perstorp". In 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Budapest, Hungary, 2014.
Anna Lindholm: Hierarchical Scheduling and Utility Disturbance Management in the Process Industry. PhD Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--1097--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, October 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Nils-Petter Nytzén: "Hierarchical production scheduling in the process industry". In 18th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Oulu, Finland, August 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Pontus Giselsson, Nils-Hassan Quttineh, Helene Lidestam, Charlotta Johnsson, Krister Forsman: "Production scheduling in the process industry". In 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, July 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Charlotta Johnsson, Nils-Hassan Quttineh, Helene Lidestam, Mathias Henningsson, Joakim Wikner, Ou Tang, Nils-Petter Nytzén, Krister Forsman: "Hierarchical scheduling and utility disturbance management in the process industry". In IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM2013), Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Pontus Giselsson: "Minimization of economical losses due to utility disturbances in the process industry". Journal of Process Control, 23:5, pp. 767–777, June 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Charlotta Johnsson: "Plant-wide utility disturbance management in the process industry". Computers and Chemical Engineering, 49, pp. 146–157, February 2013.
Anna Lindholm, Pontus Giselsson: "Formulating an Optimization Problem for Minimization of Losses due to Utilities". In International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, July 2012.
Anna Lindholm, Charlotta Johnsson: "A Tool for Utility Disturbance Management". In 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM), Bucharest, Romania, May 2012.
Anna Lindholm, Charlotta Johnsson, Tore Hägglund, Hampus Carlsson: "Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp". In Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO2012), Savannah, Georgia, USA, January 2012.
Anna Lindholm, Charlotta Johnsson, Tore Hägglund, Hampus Carlsson: "Reducing revenue loss due to disturbances in utilities using buffer tanks - A case study at Perstorp". In 17th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Kgs Lyngby, Denmark, January 2012.
Anna Lindholm, Anders Widd, Aivar Sootla, Anna-Lena Sahlberg: "Utvärdering av förståelse på skriftlig tentamen". In 3:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Linköping, November 2011.
Anna Lindholm: "Utility Disturbance Management in the Process Industry". Licentiate Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--3253--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, October 2011.
Anna Lindholm, Hampus Carlsson, Charlotta Johnsson: "A General Method for Handling Disturbances on Utilities in the Process Industry". In 18th IFAC World Congress, Milano, Italy, August 2011.
Anna Lindholm, Hampus Carlsson, Charlotta Johnsson: "Estimation of Revenue Loss due to Disturbances on Utilities in the Process Industry". In 22nd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society , Reno, Nevada, U.S.A., April 2011.
Anna Lindholm: "A method for improving plant availability with respect to utilities using buffer tanks". In 31st IASTED conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (MIC), Innsbruck, Austria, February 2011.
Anna Lindholm, Hampus Carlsson, Charlotta Johnsson: "Availability Estimations for Utilities in the Process Industry". In 16th Nordic Process Control Workshop, Lund, Sweden, August 2010.
Anna Lindholm, Krister Forsman, Charlotta Johnsson: "A General Method for Defining and Structuring Buffer Management Problems". In 2010 American Control Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 2010.
Anna Lindholm, Krister Forsman, Charlotta Johnsson: "Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability". In Reglermöte 2010, Lund, Sweden, June 2010.
Anna Lindholm, Krister Forsman, Charlotta Johnsson: "Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability". In Proc. Reglermöte, Lund, Sweden, June 2010.
Anna Lindholm: "Buffer Management Strategies for Improving Plant Availability". Master's Thesis ISRN LUTFD2/TFRT--5832--SE, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden, January 2009.
During my years at the department I have been teaching the following courses:
- FRT010 Automatic Control, Basic Course
- FRTN10 Multivariable Control
- Feedback Systems - A PhD course for Physicists
- FRTN05 Nonlinear Control and Servo Systems
- FRT010 Automatic Control, Basic Course in China
- FRTN20 Market-driven Systems
- FRT110 Systems Engineering
During the fall of 2013 I was the lecturer of the basic course in automatic control at Zhejiang University in China.
Completed courses
The courses I have taken as part of the Ph.D. program are:
- Linear systems 9 ECTS credits
- Spoken Technical Communication 4.5 ECTS credits
- Computational Mathematics with Python 7.5 ECTS credits
- Automation in Complex Systems 7.5 ECTS credits
- Introduction to the Modelica Language 5 ECTS credits
- Hybrid Systems and Verification 7.5 ECTS credits
- Matrix Theory 7.5 ECTS credits
- Numerical Methods for Dynamic Optimization 7.5 ECTS credits
- Control System Synthesis 10 ECTS credits
- Industriell processsimulering (no credits)
- Statistical Machine Learning 3 ECTS credits
- Managerial Economics 6 ECTS credits
- Processteknik (no credits)
- Optimization 6 ECTS credits
- Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 ECTS credits
- Stochastic Control Theory 7.5 ECTS credits
- Statistical Methods for Safety analysis 7.5 ECTS credits
- Robust Control 9 ECTS credits
- Convex Optimization with Applications 7.5 ECTS credits
- Convex Optimization with Applications - project 2.5 ECTS credits
- History of Control 3 ECTS credits
- Model Predictive Control 3 ECTS credits
- Advanced PID Control 6 ECTS credits