Associate Professor (Swe. Docent)
- Journal Papers 34 publications found.
Title Authors Year Type On Distributed Knowledge Bases for Robotized Small-Batch Assembly Maj Stenmark, Jacek Malec, Klas Nilsson, Anders Robertsson 2015 Art Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters with Out-of-Sequence Measurement Processing Karl Berntorp, Anders Robertsson, Karl-Erik Årzén 2014 Art Estimation-based ILC applied to a parallel kinematic robot Johanna Wallen Axehill, Isolde Dressler, Svante Gunnarsson, Anders Robertsson, Mikael Norrlöf 2014 Art Integrated approach to robotic machining with macro/micro-actuation Ulrich Schneider, Björn Olofsson, Olof Sömmo, Manuel Drust, Anders Robertsson, Martin Hägele, Rolf Johansson 2014 Art On force control for assembly and deburring of castings Marie Jonsson, Andreas Stolt, Anders Robertsson, Sebastian von Gegerfelt, Klas Nilsson 2013 Art Cascade control of the friction stir welding process to seal canisters for spent nuclear fuel Lars Cederqvist, Olof Garpinger, Tore Hägglund, Anders Robertsson 2012 Art Application of Control Theory to a Commercial Mobile Service Support System Payam Amani, Bertil Aspernäs, Karl Johan Åström, Manfred Dellkrantz, Maria Kihl, Gabriela Radu, Anders Robertsson, Andreas Torstensson 2012 Art Temperature Aware Power Allocation: An Optimization Framework and Case Studies Shen Li, Tarek Abdelzaher, Shiguang Wang, Maria Kihl, Anders Robertsson 2012 Art A car-seat example of automated anthropomorphic testing of fabrics using force-controlled robot motions Angel Valera, F. Benimeli, Jose Solaz, H. de Rosario, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, R. Zotovic, M. Mellado 2011 Art Global Stabilization for a Class of Coupled Nonlinear Systems with Application to Active Surge Control Anton Shiriaev, Leonid Freidovich, Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson 2010 Art Cost-efficient drilling using industrial robots with high-bandwidth force feedback Tomas Olsson, Mathias Haage, Henrik Kihlman, Rolf Johansson, Klas Nilsson, Anders Robertsson, Mats Björkman, Robert Isaksson, Gilbert Ossbahr, Torgny Brogårdh 2010 Art LuGre-Model-Based Friction Compensation Leonid Freidovich, Anders Robertsson, Anton Shiriaev, Rolf Johansson 2010 Art Resource allocation and disturbance rejection in web servers using SLAs and virtualized servers Martin Ansbjerg Kjær, Maria Kihl, Anders Robertsson 2009 Art Shaping Stable Periodic Motions of Inertia Wheel Pendulum: Theory and Experiments Leonid Freidovich, Pedro La {H}era, Uwe Mettin, Anders Robertsson, Anton Shiriaev, Rolf Johansson 2009 Art Self-Calibrated Robotic Manipulator Force Observer Javier Gámez García, Anders Robertsson, Juan Gómez Ortega, Rolf Johansson 2009 Art Development of an Experimental Test Bench by Means of Force Control in an Industrial Robot for the Analysis of the Mechanical Response in Car Seats Angel Valera, F. Benimeli, J. Solaz, H. de Rosario, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, R. Zotovic, M. Mellado 2009 Art Desarrollo de un banco de pruebas experimental mediante control de fuerza con ro bot industrial para el análisis de la respuesta mecánica de asientos de coche Angel Valera, F. Benimeli, Jose Solaz, H. de Rosario, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, R. Zotovic, M. Mellado 2009 Art Sensor Fusion for Compliant Robot Motion Control Javier Gámez García, Anders Robertsson, Juan Gómez Ortega, Rolf Johansson 2008 Art Periodic motions of the Pendubot via virtual holonomic constraints: Theory and experiments Leonid Freidovich, Anders Robertsson, Anton Shiriaev, Rolf Johansson 2008 Art Industrial Robot Force Control. Application to car ingress and egress human movement Angel Valera, F. Benimeli, Jose Solaz, H. de Rosario, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, R. Zotovic, M. Mellado, E Olmo 2007 Art Virtual-Holonomic-Constraints-Based Design of Stable Oscillations of Furuta Pendulum: Theory and Experiments Anton Shiriaev, Leonid Freidovich, Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson, Anders Sandberg 2007 Art Control-Theoretic Analysis of Admission Control Mechanisms for Web Server Systems Maria Kihl, Anders Robertsson, Mikael Andersson, Björn Wittenmark 2007 Art Estimacíon de la Fuerza de Contacto para el Control de Robots Manipuladores con Movimientos Restringuidos (Contact Force Estimation for Compliant Motion Control) Javier Gámez García, Anders Robertsson, Juan Gómez Ortega, Rolf Johansson 2007 Art Periodic motion planning for virtually constrained Euler-Lagrange systems Anton Shiriaev, Anders Robertsson, John Perram, Anders Sandberg 2006 Art Conclusions of the ARTIST2 Roadmap on Control of Computing Systems Karl-Erik Årzén, Anders Robertsson, Dan Henriksson, Mikael Johansson, H. Hjalmarsson, Karl Henrik Johansson 2006 Art The Yakubovich-Kalman-Popov Lemma and Stability Analysis of Dynamic Output Feedback Systems Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson 2006 Art Extending an Industrial Robot Controller–Implementation and Applications of a Fast Open Sensor Interface Anders Blomdell, Gunnar Bolmsjö, Torgny Brogårdh, Per Cederberg, Mats Isaksson, Rolf Johansson, Mathias Haage, Klas Nilsson, Magnus Olsson, Tomas Olsson, Anders Robertsson, Jianjun Wang 2005 Art On Behavioral Model Identification Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson 2004 Art Sensor Integration in Task-level Programming and Industrial Robotic Task Execution Control Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, Torgny Brogårdh, Per Cederberg, Magnus Olsson, Tomas Olsson, Gunnar Bolmsjö 2004 Art Observer-based Strict Positive Real (SPR) Feedback Control System Design Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson 2002 Art Residual Models and Stochastic Realization in State-Space Identification Rolf Johansson, Michel Verhaegen, C.T. Chou, Anders Robertsson 2001 Art State-Space System Identification of Robot Manipulator Dynamics Rolf Johansson, Anders Robertsson, Klas Nilsson, Michel Verhaegen 2000 Art Linear Controllers for Exponential Tracking of Systems in Chained Form E. Lefeber, Anders Robertsson, Henk Nijmeijer 2000 Art Comments on ``Nonlinear Output Feedback Control of Dynamically Positioned Ships Using Vectorial observer Backstepping'' Anders Robertsson, Rolf Johansson 1998 Art - Conference Papers More than 50 publications found.
- Book chapters 6 publications found.
- Technical Reports and Theses 1 publication found.
Title Authors Year Type On Observer-Based Control of Nonlinear Systems Anders Robertsson 1999 PhD Title Authors Year Type Activity Report 2012, Department of Automatic Control Monika Rasmusson, Anders Robertsson (Eds.) 2013 Rep Automatic Control 2003. Activity Report Agneta Tuszynski, Anders Robertsson 2004 Rep