Ph.D. Student
I am a Ph.D Student at the Department of Automatic Control since October 2009. I am doing research as part of the project Active Control of Compressor Systems Based on New Methods of Nonlinear Dynamic Feedback Stabilization
Embedded Control System of the Wheeled Robot With Two Independent Leading Wheels (rus) ("Biryulina" is my ex last name)
Rubanova, A., Robertsson, A., Shiriaev, A., Freidovich, L., and Johansson, R. (2013). "Analytic parameterization of stabilizing controllers for the surge subsystem of the Moore-Greitzer compressor model". In American Control Conference (ACC2013), 5257–5262. Washington, D.C., USA.
FRT010 Basic course in automatic control (Reglerteknik AK)
Completed Courses:
- Control System Synthesis 2010
- Ordinary Differential Equations 2010
- Nonlinear Control and Servo Systems 2010 (FRTN05)
- Matrix theory (FMA120)
- Linear Systems, FRT001F
- SIAMUF Stockholm
- History of Control 2012
- Convex Optimization I (FRT015F)
- Convex Optimization II
- Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Current Courses:
- Functional Analysis in System Theory