Predictive Control and System Optimisation of Wheel Loaders
Researchers: Toivo Henningsson, Karl Mårtensson, and Anton Cervin, in cooperation with Bobbie Frank and Mats Alaküla, Dept. Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation, Lund University, and Anders Fröberg, Volvo Construction Equipment
Duration: 2011—2014
Funding: Energimyndigheten
Today evaluating a hybrid drivetrain concept for contruction machine applications is a time consuming process. This is true as the control strategy needs to be developed by hand and tuned for the concept and each new sizing of the components and eventually optimized such that the concept can be compared with other concepts at its best. The result is that too few concepts are studied and strategic decisions on drivetrain types is most suitable per machine / region / application / customer type and in overall are stalled due to insufficient decision material. The project at hand implements tools for comparing concepts in a fast manner where the control strategy is generated during concept optimisation. The same control strategy is input to online control performed in the prototype machine used for validation of the results within the project. The goal in the project is to make the transition from the generated control code to implementation in machine with real-time constraints as smooth as possible. Actual concept comparison is carried out in the project and will be used as decision material for which future drivetrain layout to use for wheel loaders of different sizes. The project also results in competence development at Lund University and that the Volvo CE industrial student reaches a licentiate degree.