

A schedule for the demonstrations of the projects in the labs will be distributed to all course participant via the course mailing list.


The course is concluded by a demonstrations (see important dates).

Each group will give a brief (max 3 min) presentation of their work. This will happen in the lab next to your demonstration setup, so don't prepare any slides, unless your project was purely theoretical (or for some other reasons, agreed upon with project advisor).

You will setup your demonstration in the lab (exceptions for projects relying on hardware that cannot be moved to the lab). Make sure that everyone in your group is able to present the project, so that you can rotate between demonstrating and looking at the demonstrations of other projects. We typically invite senior staff from the department to participate in the demonstration session. Try your demo at least one day in advance to ensure everything is in place and working.


Following the demonstrations, we will announce which two groups we find have performed the best control engineering and reports/documentation, respectively, and award their members with a small prize.

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