
Project Groups 2012

Group: 1. Control of the Helicopter (joint project)
Advisor: Karl Berntorp, Jerker Nordh
Equipment: Helicopter
Status: Project OK, report OK, presentation OK

  • Michael Binder - mikebinder at gmx dot at
  • Johannes Frimberger - johannes dot frimberger at gmail dot com
  • Paul Konrad - paul dot konrad dot 692 at student dot lu dot se
  • Daniel Neyer - daniel dot neyer at gmx dot net


Group: 2. Real-Time control in the cloud using 4G/LTE
Advisor: Manfred Dellkrantz
Equipment: Different processes
Status: Presentation OK, Report OK

  • Einar Vading - einar at vading dot se
  • Taravat Saryan - emailmeon2005 at gmail dot com


Group: 3. Catch and throw ball and beam Process
Advisor: Magnus Linderoth
Equipment: Old ball & beam
Status: Project OK, Report OK, Presentation OK

  • Magnus Virgili - magnus dot virgili at gmail dot com
  • Erik Fredriksson
  • Andreas Johansson
  • Anton Magnusson


Group: 4. Catch and throw ball and beam process
Advisor: Karl-Erik Årzén
Equipment: Old ball & beam
Status: Projekt, demo och rapport godkända Presentation OK

  • Daniel Hilton - daniel dot kt dot hilton at gmail dot com
  • Simon Larsson - ael09sla at student dot lu dot se
  • Sara Nilsson - ael09sni dot student dot lu dot se
  • Christoffer Stengren - ada09cst at student dot lu dot se


Group: 5. Control Using Android
Advisor: Manfred Dellkrantz
Equipment: Ball & Beam
Status: Presentation OK, Report OK

  • Erik Andersson - erik_andersson1988 at hotmail dot com
  • Simon Persson - persson dot simon at hotmail dot com
  • Jones Schöld - jonesschold at gmail dot com
  • Jens Sloth - jensmsloth at gmail dot com

Group:  6. Catch and throw ball and beam process
Advisor: Karl-Erik Årzén
Equipment: Old ball & beam
Status: Project OK, Report OK, Demo OK, Presentation OK

  • Elin Dahlin - elin-dahlin at hotmail dot com
  • Johanna Aspenberg - johanna_939 at hotmail dot com
  • Gabriel Napadow - Mt08gn4 at student dot lth dot se
  • Patrik Ljungbäck - mt08pl7 at student dot lth dot se


Group:  7. Real-Time control in the cloud using 4G/LTE
Advisor: Manfred Dellkrantz
Equipment: Different processes
Status: Presentation OK, Report OK

  • Jesper Lekland - jesper dot lekland at gmail dot com (ada09jle at student dot lu dot se)
  • Tommy Olofsson - ada09tol at student dot lu dot se


Group:  8. Event-based PID control
Advisor: Anton Cervin
Equipment: Ball and beam
Status: Program OK, demo OK, presentationOK, waiting for revised version of report

  • Viktor Stymne - ada09vst at student dot lu dot se
  • Alexander Nässlander - alexander dot nasslander at gmail dot com


Group:  9. Model Predictive Control using CVXGEN - any suitable process (MPC on Quad-Copter), PC 10 (joint project)
Advisor: Jerker Nordh
Equipment: Quadcopter
Status: Presentation OK, report DELAYED

  • Johan Hagsund - Johan dot hagsund at gmail dot com
  • Ragnar Wernersson - Ragnarwernersson at gmail dot com
  • Oscar Nalin Nilsson - Oscar dot nalin dot nilsson at gmail dot com
  • Adam Bäckström - Adamb3 dot 14 at gmail dot com


Group:  10. Special embedded project
Advisor: Karl-Erik Årzén, Anders Blomdell

  • Yang Xu


Group:  11. Lego Mindstorm Carousel
Advisor: Alfred Theorin
Equipment: Lego
Status: Code OK, Demo OK, Report OK Presentation OK

  • Mats Svensson - ael09msv at student dot lu dot se
  • Eddie Hedin - ael09eh1 at student dot lu dot se
  • Jesper Hasselquist - psy08jh2 at student dot lu dot se
  • Erik Hogeman - ada09eho at student dot lu dot se



Group:  12. Catch & Throw Ball & Beam
Advisor: Anton Cervin
Equipment: Old ball & beam
Status:  Program OK, demo OK, presentation OK, report OK

  • Mia Månsson - miramiiss at gmail dot com
  • Marie Vesland - ada09mve at student dot lu dot se
  • Simone Andersson - simoneandersson at gmail dot com
  • Ida Synnöve Jönsson - zbt09ijo at student dot lu dot se


Group:  13. Vision Feedback of the Ball & beam Process
Advisor: Magnus Linderoth
Equipment: Ball & beam
Status: Project OK, Report OK, Presentation OK

  • Petter Söderlund - ic07ps7 at student dot lth dot se
  • Robin Palmblad - dt08rp0 at student dot lth dot se
  • Erik Blücher - erik dot blycher at hotmail dot com
  • Max Åkerberg - max dot akerberg at gmail dot com


Group:  14. PC8 Control of the Helicopter Model (joint project)
Advisor: Jerker Nordh
Equipment: Helicopter
Status: Report OK, Project OK, Note: Oscar A. dropped out Presentation OK

  • Flora Sanchez - florasanchez23 at gmail dot com
  • Yannis Planus - yannis dot planus at gmail dot com
  • Oscar Andersson - dt07oa1 at student dot lth dot se
  • Juri Pyykkö - juri dot pyy at gmail dot com (Only Predictice Control)


Group:  15. Lego Motorcycle
Advisor: Alfred Theorin
Equipment: Lego
Status: Demo OK, Presentation OK, Report OK, Code OK

  • Johan Danielsson - zba08jda at student dot lu dot se
  • Fredrik Bengtsson - fredrikbengtsson89 at hotmail dot co dot uk
  • Olle Svensson - olle dot 86 at hotmail dot com
  • Philip Holgersson - philip dot holgersson at gmail dot com


Group:  16. Lego Carousel
Advisor: Alfred Theorin
Equipment: Lego
Status: Code OK, Report OK, Demo OK, Presentation OK

  • Samir Alagic - samiralagic at hotmail dot com
  • Viktor Nordgren - viktor dot nordgren at hotmail dot com
  • Gustaf Enander - gustav dot enander at gmail dot com
  • Christoffer Gydenius - cybermaster89 at gmail dot com


Group:  17. Control using Android
Advisor: Manfred Dellkrantz
Equipment: Ball & Beam
Status: Presentation OK, Report OK

  • Jean-Patrick Bernhardt - jp dot bernhardt at gmail dot com
  • Mujtaba Al-Ibadi - mujtaba dot alibadi at gmail dot com
  • Bogdan Shkola - bogdan dot shkola.866 at student dot lu dot se
  • Fredrik Johnson - fredrikjohnson89 at gmail dot com


Group:  18. Control of the helicopter
Advisor: Karl Berntorp
Equipment: Helicopter
Status: Projekt OK, report OK, Presentation OK

  • Carlos Jorques Moreno - carlosjorques at gmail dot com
  • Vicent Rodrigo Marco - vicent dot rodrigo dot marco at gmail dot com
  • Johan Nisula - j_n_999 at msn dot com
  • Carolina Lidström - carolina dot lidstrom at telia dot com

Group:  19. Control of Furuta Pendulum (PC5/PC6) (joint project)
Advisor: Magnus Linderoth, Meike Stemmann
Equipment: Furuta pendulum
Status: Project OK, Report OK, presentation OK

  • Gabriel Ingesson - Gabriel_ingesson at hotmail dot com (Only RTS)
  • Håkan Runvik - tf08hr1 at student dot lth dot se (Only Predictive)


Group:  20 Control of Batch Tank using Raspberry Pi
Advisor: Anton Cervin
Equipment: Batch tank, 3-4 Raspberry Pi units
Status: Program OK, demo OK, presentation OK, waiting for revised version of report

  • Johan Anderholm - johan dot anderholm at gmail dot com
  • Jonathan Kämpe - dt08jk6 at student dot lth dot se
  • Mikael Sahlström - mich dot sahlstrom at gmail dot com
  • Mikael Nilsson - svengunnar dot mikael at gmail dot com



Group:  21. Adaptive Control of the See-Saw Process (joint project)
Advisor: Karl Berntorp
Equipment: See-saw process
Status: Projekt OK, report OK, Presentation OK

  • Sara Gustafzelius - mat08sgu at student dot lu dot se
  • Gustav Sällberg - ada09gor at student dot lu dot se
  • Axel Keskikangas - ada09ake at student dot lu dot se (only RTS)
  • Niklas Welander - ada09nwe at syudent dot lu dot se (only RTS)


Group:  22 MPC control of the Ball and Beam Process (joint project)
Advisor: Karl Berntorp
Equipment: Ball & beam
Status: Presentation OK Project OK, report OK

  • Jakob Jäderbo - jakon dot jaderbo at gmail dot com
  • Therese Alenlöv - (only RTS)
  • Tor Larsson - (only Predictive)
  • Ivan Ovinnikov - oivan at student dot ethz dot ch


Group:  23 Lego Segway
Advisor: Alfred Theorin
Equipment: Lego
Status: Code OK, Report OK, Demo OK, Presentation OK

  • Fredrik Lundström - mt08fl2 at student dot lth dot se
  • Gustaf Gustafsson - mt08gg7 at student dot lth dot se
  • Jon Vikström Wicksell - mt08jv0 at student dot lth dot se
  • Kristoffer Ohlsson - mt08ko1 at student dot lth dot se


Group:  24 Control of Furuta Pendulum (PC5/PC6)  (Joint project)
Advisor: Magnus Linderoth, Meike Stemmann
Equipment: Furuta pendulum
Status: Project OK, Presentation OK, Report OK

  • Anna Johnsson - anna.johnsson1 at gmail dot com
  • Johan Persson - johanpe dot 88 at gmail dot com (only RTS)
  • Anders Eriksson - anders214 at hotmail dot com (only RTS)
  • Magnus Meijer - magnus dot meier at gmail dot com (only RTS)


Group:  25 Autotuning of Robust PID Controllers (PC10) (Joint project)
Advisor: Karl-Erik Årzén, Olof Garpinger
Equipment: Different processes
Status: Projekt, demo och rapport godkända, Presentation OK

  • Viktor Andersson - viktor dot nossredna at gmail dot com
  • Daniel Stenberg - dt06ds2 at student dot lth dot se
  • Tommi Nylander - atf09tny at student dot lu dot se (only RTS)


Group:  26   Event Based PID Control
Advisor: Anton Cervin
Equipment: Ball and beam
Status: Program OK, Rapport OK, Demo OK, Presentation OK

  • Angelica Gabasio - dt08ag8 at student dot lth dot se
  • Dennis Andersen - dt08da8 at student dot lth dot se


Group: 27 Embedded Ball and Beam Control
Advisor: Karl-Erik Årzén, Magnus Linderoth
Equipment: Old ball & beam
Status: Projekt, demo och rapport godkända Presentation OK

  • Erik Karlsson - dt08ek2 at student dot lth dot se
  • Johnny To - dt08vt2 at student dot lth dot se