
Laboratory 2

The preparatory exercises in this laboratory exercise can either be made by hand or in JGrafchart. If you make the preparatory in JGrafchart make sure you have your files available at time of the laboratory exercise.

Laboratory manual (PDF)

JGrafchart is available on our lab computers and is started from a terminal with the command JGrafchart.

Code skeleton (open in JGrafchart): beadsorter.xml (Save Target As)

To run JGrafchart on another computer you can download and install it locally. After unpacking follow the instructions in README.txt. (There are currently problems with the download link above. Use this link instead.)

There is a animated real-time simulation model of the bead sorter process available. Download it from here. In order to use it, do like this:

  1. Load the BeadSorterSim.xml into JGrafchart.
  2. Compile and run it.
  3. Load you Bead controller model and select it.
  4. Go to Edit/Application Properties and check the Simulator mode check box.
  5. Compile and run your Bead controller.
  6. Now the controller is running in simulation mode. To change the value of the Tilt sensor you simply click on it.