
Laboratory 2

The preparatory exercises in this laboratory exercise can either be made by hand or in JGrafchart. If you make the preparatory in JGrafchart make sure you have your files available at time of the laboratory exercise.

If you don't have the manual you can download it here.

The programs for this Laboratory can be run directly from either the computer lab of Automatic Control or from the Linux machines in the computer rooms of the E-building. In both cases the program is started with the command JGrafchart. In the EFD labs you must first give the command initregler.

The template file, which skould be opened in JGrafchart is called beadsorter.xml Download it from here beadsorter.xml. (Save Link Target As)

If you want to run the programs on your own computer, you can download and install it locally. After unpacking follow the instructions in the README file in the grafchart directory. You must have Java version 1.4.x or later installed on your machine. (The download system currenly does not work.)