
Automatic Control Basic Course (China) 2015

This is the web page for the basic course in Automatic Control (FRT010) held at Zhejiang University, China.


  • In order to complete the course (in additon to the labs and exam), students from the Lund University should hand in a 2 page report about their stay in China via e-mail to, containing a summary of their experience in China. If you have questions, contact the same e-mail address.
  • We will arrange a site visit to Akzo Nobel's Ningo Ethylene Amines plant on December 3 (Thursday). More info will be distributed via e-mail and during class!
  • All participants have received an invitation E-mail to an online Piazza forum. Use this platform to ask (and answer!) questions related to the course.


Course Schedule

The course wills start Nov 2. The exam is Dec 17. See course program below for detailed schedule. Please go through the mathematical repetition before the course start.


Course Material

The course is based on a set of compendiums:

  • Tore Hägglund: Automatic Control, Basic Course – Lecture Notes.
    Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, 2014.
  • Automatic Control, Basic Course – Collection of Exercises.
    Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, 2014.
  • Automatic Control, Basic Course – Laboratory Manuals.
    Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, 2012
  • Automatic Control, Basic Course – Collection of Formulae.
    Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, 2013.

The above material will be handed out at course start by Yang. One printed copy per participant.

Optional course literature - available for free download: 


Additional Material


Below is the code for Matlab examples, demonstrated during the lectures:


Course Evaluation

Evaluation will be done though the CEQ system, only available for Lund University students. You will receive an e-mail after the termination of the course, with a link to the online form. Please indicate "Kinainriktningen", as there is a parallel course with the same code in Lund.


Exam and Results

The exam of the course will be given on 2014-12-17, 08:00-13:00, building 12, room 505.


For Lund University students: Re-take of the exam will be provided according to the LTH schedule for re-takes. Sign-up via online link, which will be made available from There will be a possibility to inspect the graded exams on Dec 19 (Sat), 08:00-10:00, building 4, room 303. If you have left Hangzhou by this date, and want to inspect your exam, e-mail Kristian (

For Zhejiang University students: Your grades will be sent to Ling YU ( for transcript registration.
