
Optimal Control

Optimal Control 7.5 hp

Book: Daniel Liberzon, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control: A Concise Introduction

Starts Monday March 24 at 10:15 in Seminarierummet, M:2112B.

Preliminary course plan

Contact: Magnus Perninge



  • The project presentation seminar on Tuesday June 10 will start 9:15 instead of the earlier announced 10:15
  • The catch-up seminar for those who missed one or more of the home assignment seminars will take place in the seminar room, 13:15-16:00 on Thursday June 12.


Project groups


 Group members  Project title

 Carolina, Gustav

 Application of control of convex monotone systems 

 Gabriel, Martin K, Lianhao

 Riccati equations and inequalities in robust control

 Olof, Josefin

 Comparison of Optimal Control Strategies for a Generator Model

 Andreas, Fredrik B

 Optimal robot control


 Discrete time optimal control with delay

 Meike, Mahdi

 Optimal Control with State Variable Inequality Constraints (SVIC)


 Optimal rocket control



Home assignments

Home assignment 1 (seminar Friday 28/3, 13:15)

Home assignment 2 (seminar Friday 4/4, 13:15)

Home assignment 3 (seminar Wednesday 23/4, 14:15)

Home assignment 4 (seminar Friday 25/4, 13:15)

Home assignment 5 (seminar Monday 5/5, 13:15, Lab F)

Home assignment 6 (seminar Friday 9/5, 13:15)

Home assignment 7 (report should be sent to Magnus)


Lecture notes

Lecture 1 (Monday 24/3)

Lecture 2 (Monday 31/3)

Lecture 3 (Monday 14/4)

Lecture 4 (Tuesday 15/4)

Lecture 5 (Monday 28/4)

Lecture 6 (Monday 5/5)

Lecture 7 (Monday 12/5) Contains lecture material and computer exercise (now including solution)