Linear Systems
Graduate course given at the Department of Automatic Control.
Period: Sep- Nov 2014
Responsible: Bo Bernhardsson
Location: Lectures Seminar room 2112B, M-building, Exercises Conference room 1167B
Lecture 0, Thu 18/9, 13.15
Lecture 1, Thu 25/9, 13.15
Lecture 2, Thu 2/10, 13.15 Seminar room 2112B
Lecture 3, Thu 9/10, 13.15
Lecture 4, Thu 16/10, 13.15
Lecture 5, Wed 22/10, 13.15 Note change of day
Lecture 6, Thu 30/10, 13.15,
Lecture 7, Thu 6/11, 13.15
Lecture 8, Thu 13/11, 13.15, Q-parametrization
Exercises and Handins:
Session 0, Wed 24/9, 8.15
Session 1, Wed 1/10, 8.15
Session 2, Wed 8/10, 8.15
Session 3, Wed 15/10, 8.15
Session 4, Wed 22/10, 8.15
Session 5, Thu 30/10 8.30 Note change of day!
Session 6, Wed 5/11, 8.15
Session 7,Thu 13/11, 15.15 Note time
Handins are due at the beginning of the corresponding exercise session (e.g. first handin is due Sep 24)
Takehome exam 24 hours. Available after last exercise.
The course book is
RUGH, WILSON J LINEAR SYSTEM THEORY, 2nd ed Prentice Hall, NJ ISBN : 0-13-441205-2
- The course is described in the course plan
- Some old exams:
1995-03-06 with solutions
2000-04-15 with solutions
2002-10-22 with solutions
2010-10 with solutions