Game Theory
Preliminary course program (updated 2014-08-19).
Game Theory with Engineering Applications
For questions, please contact Carolina Lidström (carolina.lidstrom@control.lth.se) or Gustav Nilsson (gustav.nilsson@control.lth.se).
2014-11-05 The two lectures covering Game Theory over Dynamical System will be given at the afternoon Wednesday the 19th November.
2014-10-22 Notice that Discussion Session 8 has been rescheduled to 24/10 10.15 in the seminar room.
2014-10-02 The third exercise session has been moved to Tuesday 14/10 and is now scheduled together with the discussion session. We will start 9.00(..) in the seminar room.
2014-09-25 The list of responsible persons has been updated. The additional exercises of today's session, where borrowed from the book Economics and the theory of games.
2014-09-18 For the forthcoming assignments, you should send your solutions (handwritten ok) to BoB 12.00 the day before the exercise session.
2014-09-04 The slides from the game theory part of the Market-driven systems course.
2014-08-21 The slides from the start-up meeting.
2014-08-20 The start-up meeting will be held Thursday 2014-08-21 13.15 in the seminar room at the Department of Automatic Control (second floor M-building, M:2112B).
The project presentations will take place Thursday the 29th of
January, 9:15-12:00 in the seminar room, Dept. of Automatic Control.
Name | Project |
D = Discussion session. E = Exercise/Handin session.
Sem = Seminar room, 2nd floor, M-building. Lab D, F = lab corridor, 1st floor, M-building.
All sessions are between 10.15-12.00.
Session | Date | Room | Responsible | Suggested exercises | Slides |
D1 | 4/9 | Lab F | Carolina | 1.2 1.9 1.7 1.10 1.4 | PDF |
D2 | 11/9 | Lab F | Gustav | 1.1 1.6 1.12 2.2 2.6 | |
D3 | 16/9 | Lab F | No one | 12.2? | |
E1 | 18/9 | Sem | BoB | Assignment 1 | |
D4 | 25/9 | Lab F | Gustav | 12.2 (upon request!) 12.3 Additional exercises | |
D5 | 30/9 | Lab D | Antonio | 1.9 in this link | |
E2 | 2/10 | Sem | BoB | Assignment 2 | |
D6 | 9/10 | Lab D | Fredrik M | Fredrik's questions 3.1 3.6 | |
D7 | 14/10 9.00 (..) | Sem | Simon | 4.3 | |
E3 | 14/10 | Sem | BoB | Assignment 3 | |
D8 | 24/10 | Sem | Johan F | 5.1 5.4 5.7 5.9 | |
D9 | 28/10 | Lab D | Mikael | 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 | |
E4 | 30/10 | Sem | BoB | Assignment 4 | |
E5 | 13/11 | Sem | BoB | Assignment 5 | |
D10 | 19/11 13.15 | Lab D | BoB | Lecture | |
D11 | 19/11 15.15 | Lab D | BoB | Lecture |
Non Cooperative Games John Nash (original thesis)
Nash Bargaining (Chapter 2) (or Nash's original paper)