Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM)
An ELLIIT Arrangement
The course is a joint arrangement between Departments of Control, Mathematics and EIT and is open for all PhD students and gives xx ECTS credits
Next meeting
Monday February 21, 2011, seminar room, M-building floor 2 13:15-15:00. Magnus Linderoth will present/summarize "Building Rome in a Day".
Previous meetings
Fourth meeting: Monday February 7, 2011, seminar room, M-building floor 2 13:15-15:00. Study paper A in David Törnqvist's thesis. Karl Berntorp will present/summarize.
Thrid meeting: Monday January 24, 2011, seminar room, M-building floor 2 13:15-15:00. Anders and Atif will present some material on radio based SLAM.
Second meeting: Monday December 20, 2010, seminar room, M-building floor 3 13.15-15.00. Study Ch 36, Jerker Nordh will summarize.
First meeting: Monday December 6, 2010, seminar room, M-building floor 3 13:15-15:00. Anders Heyden presents.
Suggested Literature
- 1. Sections on SLAM and maps in Springer Handbook of Robotics (additional good material in here also!)
- 1. S. Haner, A Heyden A Step Towards Self-calibration in SLAM: Weakly Calibrated On-line Structure and Motion Estimation
- 2. FAST SLAM, Montemerlo et al
- 3. Chapter 36 on World Models in Springer Handbook of Robotics
- Statistical Sensor Fusion, Fredrik Gustafsson
- David Törnquist Thesis, see Sec 4.2.2 for a basic EKF SLAM implementation
- Durrant-Whyte, H.; Bailey, T. (2006). "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM): Part I The Essential Algorithms". Robotics and Automation Magazine 13: 99~110.
- Bailey, T. Durrant-Whyte, H. (2006). "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM): Part II,
- B. Triggs, P. McLauchlan, R. Hartley and A. Fitzgibbon, Bundle Adjustment ~ A Modern Synthesis, Vision Algorithms: Theory and Practice, 1999
- M. Byrod, K. Astrom, Conjugate Gradient Bundle Adjustment, ECCV 2010
- Automatic Geometric Reasoning in Structure and Motion Estimation Published in: Pattern Recognition Letters
- Accurate and automatic surveying of beacon positions for a laser guided vehicle, Published at: Proc. European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Building rome in a day
- Photo tourism
- A. Heyden, O. Dahl Provably convergent structure and motion estimation for perspective systems