Nonlinear Control Theory
PhD course on Nonlinear Control, (FRT025F)
Lecturer: Anders Robertsson, Bo Bernhardsson
The course is open for all PhD students and gives 7.5 ECTS credits.
Course description:
The goal of the course is to provide good knowledge and practice the
ability to use classical as well as modern analysis and design methods for
nonlinear control systems.
Lyapunov theory for autonomous and time-varying systems,
Small-gain theory, Absolute stability, Integral quadratic constraints, Pas-
sivity, Center manifold theorem, Stability of periodic and perturbed sys-
tems, Averaging, Singular perturbations, Geometric control theory, Feed-
back linearization, Nonlinear design tools (backstepping, high gain con-
Language: Swedish or English
H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2002,
ISBN 0-13-067389-7 + handout material [book home page with errata]
- Mon April 23 13.15, Lecture notes 1 BoB
- Wed May 2, 15.15 Problem set 1 ARo (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 8, 10.15 Lecture notes 2 BoB (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 8, 15.15 (continue on Problem set 1) BoB (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 15, 8.15 ARo (Seminar room M:2498) (continued on Lecture notes 2 and some slides from Khalil lec #14,#15,#16, #17 )
- Tue May 15, Problem set 2, 15.15 BoB (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 22, 10.15 Lecture notes 3 BoB (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 22, 15.15 Lecture notes 4 BoB (Seminar room M:2498)
- Tue May 29, 10.15 Problem set 3 ARo
- Tue May 29, 15.15 ARo Slides from Khalil lec #22,#23 (Handout from T. Glad) and started on Lecture notes 6 (see below)
- Tue Jun 5, 10.15 ARo Lecture notes 6, The Joy of Feedback
- Tue Jun 5, 15.15 ARo (cont on Lec 6 notes)
- Mon Jun 11, 10.15 ARo Lecture notes 7, Inverse optimality, J-Q mm
- Tue Jun 19, 10.15 ARo2 b rescheduled
- Tue Jun 19, 15.15 ARo 2 b rescheduled
- Tue Jul 2, 08.15, BoB, Lecture notes 8, perturbation and averaging
Miniproject suggestions (2 persons each)
- Density functions: Alina and Christian
- Gröbner: Mahdi + NN? (sign up if interested)
- Flat systems: Björn and Ola
H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2002,
ISBN 0-13-067389-7 [book home page with errata]
On the KYP-lemma by A. Rantzer
IQC_Lecture notes by U. Jönsson errata
IQC-paper by Megretski and Rantzer 1997
Seminar by Anton Shiriaev on Circle Criterion (version for 1st Swe-Chin conf.)
The Joy of Feedback (1991 Bode Prize Lecture by P. Kokotovic)
Old course home page (local access only)