Advanced PID Control
Graduate Course 2013, 7.5 ECTS credits
Lecturer: Tore Hägglund, Karl Johan Åström, and Olof Garpinger
The course is based on the book
Åström, Hägglund, Advanced PID Control, ISA - The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, 2005.
The course will have the character of a study circle, meaning that there will be very short lectures, but long discussions. We will meet once a week during two hours. Exercises will be handed out, and the course will end with some kind of projects.
Meeting times: Tuesdays 13:15-15:00
- Week 6: Chapter 1 and 2, Exercises Chapter 2
- Week 7: Chapter 3, Exercises Chapter 3
- Week 8: Chapter 4, Exercises Chapter 4
- Week 9: Chapter 5, Exercises Chapter 5
- Week 10: Chapter 6, Exercises Chapter 6, Reading instructions
- Week 11: Chapter 7, Exercises Chapter 7, Reading instructions
- Week 12: Chapter 8, Exercises and Reading instructions, Chapter 8
- Week 13: Chapter 9, Lecture slides
- Week 14: Chapter 11, Exercises Chapter 11, Lecture slides
- Week 15: Chapter 10, Exercises Chapter 10, Lecture slides
- Week 16: Chapter 12, Exercises Chapter 12, Lecture slides
- Week 17: Chapter 12,
- W 18: Ch 13
- W 19: Projects
- W 20: Projects
- W 21: Projects
Lecture slides - Positive systems