
Homework Assignment 5

This homework will make you more familiar with the Hadoop File System (HDFS) and the Hadoop mapreduce framework. You will be provided a disk image with everything pre-installed so hopefully the setup-phase for this homework will go smooth.

If you have one hour to spare I suggest that you watch this lecture from UC Berkeley. It will give you a great overview of what mapreduce is and what it is good at.


In this homework you will “do big data” on some weather data from the 18th century. The data will be given as many relatively small files (one for each year) so it will be easy for the tech-savvy ones to write a small program that will do what we ask of in Python (perhaps a nice way to double check your results before you hand them in ;). But since that is not very “big data” we will instead use Hadoop mapreduce.

The input data will be one .csv-file for each year in the period 1763 to 1799. Each of these files contains one row per measurement. To make things a little tricky there were only one weather station recording data in 1763 and at least two weather stations in 1799. Furthermore there are at least two measurements each day, one for the maximum temperature (TMAX) and one for the minimum temperature (TMIN), and sometimes one for the precipitation (PRCP).

The content of 1789.csv looks similar to this:

  • Desciption of the columns:
    1. The weather station id
    2. the date in format yyyymmdd
    3. type of measurement (for this homework we care about the maximum temperature TMAX)
    4. temperature in tens of degrees (e.g. -90 = -9.0 deg. C., -184 = -18.4 deg. C.)

The Goal

The goal of this assignment is to create a sorted list for the most common temperatures (where the temperature is rounded to the nearest integer) in the period 1763 to 1799. The list should be sorted from the least common temperature to the most common temperature. The list should also state how many times each temperature occurred.

You solve this very important problem in two steps - task 1 and task 2.


The outline of the homework is as follows:

  1. Download and install the virtual disk image (homework5.ova)
  2. Intro to Hadoop File System (i.e. how to add/remove directories(s) and upload/download file(s))
  3. Intro to Hadoop Mapreduce (i.e. how to compile, run, and check the log-files of a mapreduce program)
  4. Task 1 - Count how many times each temperature occurs
  5. Task 2 - Sort the temperatures to see which is least/most common

Deadline and Deliverables

Deadline for this homework is May 12th. You will hand in your source code and the all result files.

Installing the necessary software

For this assignment everything is provided in the homework5.ova virtual disk image.

  1. Download the image
    • homework5.ova
    • Install it
    • Start it
    • Log in to hduser with cloud as password
      • You might have to switch user to from Admin to hduser
      • Works fine if you want to log in via ssh as well
    • Look around in the file system and make sure that you have:
      • weather - this will contain all you need for the homework
      • weather/demo - a demo program for your inspiration/guide
      • weather/task1 - code skeleton for task 1
      • weather/task2 - code skeleton for task 2
      • weather/data - contains all the input data you need

Get to know Hadoop File System (HDFS)

It’s now time to start playing around a little bit with HDFS! You will notice that it is almost exactly like navigating in a regular UNIX environment - just a zillion times slower…

First things first, you might have to start up HDFS and YARN:

  • Start HDFS

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ cd hadoop
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/hadoop$ sbin/
  • Test to see if HDFS is up and running:

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /        
    drwx------   - hduser supergroup          0 2015-03-30 11:19 /tmp
    drwxr-xr-x   - hduser supergroup          0 2015-04-20 10:59 /user
  • Start YARN

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/hadoop$ sbin/

Some basic HDFS commands:

hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /testing
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /testing2
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /testing

Create a text file sample.txt and add some content to it, then continue

hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -put sample.txt /testing/
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /testing/
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -cat /testing/sample.txt
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -get /testing/sample.txt downloadedSample.txt
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -rm /testing/sample.txt
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /testing/
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -rm -r /testing2
hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /

A complete list of all the commands!

Get to know Mapreduce - our demo program

We will try to introduce mapreduce a bit through a demo, using the same weather data as you will use in Task 1 and Task 2. If you need to fresh up on what mapreduce is, I suggest that you take a look at the wikipedia page as well as the Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial.


The goal for this task is to take all the original weather data for the period 1763 to 1799 and run your own mapreduce program on it. The output of the mapreduce job should be a file for each weather station. Within these files you should list the days and temperatures that this weather station recorded. An overview can be seen below:

This is the Main-file for the mapreduce program. In this you specify which mapper and reducer you will be using. You will also specify the input and output format for the mapper and reducer.

You will not have to modify any of the that we’ve given you!

Documentation for the mapreduce Job class.

  • Input
    • (key, value) = (17xy.csv, row)
      • 17xy.csv is the input data file
      • text will be the text-data within these .csv files
      • The mapper will be fed this text data row-by-row
    • The input file might contain multiple weather stations
    • The temperature is given in tens of degrees
    • e.g. -123 = -12.3 degrees Celsius
    • We only care about the maximum temperature for each day (TMAX)
  • Output

    • (key, value) = (weather-station-id, “date,temp”)
    • e.g. (ITE00100554, "17630101,-36")
    • “date,temp” should be submitted as one string
    • Note that key and value is of type Text! Documentation for Text
  • Please take a moment to study the mapper-code!

    String[] fields = value.toString().split(","); // reads and splits the input value (i.e. the row)
    Text v = new Text(date + "," + temp);` // creates a new Text-object with "date,temp" 
    context.write(stationId, v); // writes the output of the mapper-task with key=stationId, value=v

Documentation for the mapreduce Mapper class

The specification of the reducer is as follows:

  • Input
    • (key, value) = (weather-station-id, “date,temp”)
    • This is the output from the mapper
  • Output

    • One output file per key (i.e. one output file per weather station)
    • e.g. ITE00100554-r-00000, or EZE00100082-r-00000
    • In these files you should list:

      • the dates for when this temperature occurred
      • the temperature
      • For the output file ITE00100554-r-00000 this would be:

        17860108 -3.1

        17860107 -3.1

        17860102 5.0

        17860101 7.3

    • To write to an output file you can use the following method:

      mos.write(k, v, key.toString() );
    • where k, v, and key.toString() might be:

    • k = “17860101”, v = “7.3”, key.toString() = “ITE00100554”
    • k and v is of type Text - Documentation for Text
  • Please take a moment to study the reducer-code!

    Iterator<Text> it = values.iterator(); //  generate an iterator for the list of input-values
    String[] value =","); //  iterate to the next key-value pair and read the value
    mos.write(k, v, key.toString()); // write the key-value pair to a specified output-file

Documentation for the mapreduce Reducer Class

Compile and run the program

Follow this guide to compile and run the mapreduce demo:

  1. Make sure that HDFS and YARN are up and running, otherwise start them
  2. Upload some new input data (1779.csv and 1780.csv):

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~$ cd weather/data
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~weather/data$ hdfs dfs -put 1779.csv /weather/input
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~weather/data$ hdfs dfs -put 1780.csv /weather/input
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~weather/data$ hdfs dfs -ls /weather/input/
  3. Compile the mapreduce-program (make sure you’re in the correct directory)

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~weather/data$ cd ../demo
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/demo$ hadoop *.java
  4. Turn it into a runnable .jar-file (named wmr.jar):

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/demo$ jar cf wmr.jar *.class
  5. Run it!

    • For this demo we have:
    • jar.file = wmr.jar
    • Main-method = WeatherJob
    • Input path (in HDFS) = /weather/input
    • Output path (in HDFS) = /weather/result
    • Note that the output path cannot be an existing directory!

      hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/demo$ hadoop jar wmr.jar WeatherJob /weather/input /weather/result
  6. Look at what it prints:

    • It should print something like this:

      15/04/27 19:32:06 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
      15/04/27 19:32:07 WARN mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Hadoop command-line option parsing not performed. Implement the Tool interface and execute your application with ToolRunner to remedy this.
      15/04/27 19:32:07 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 37
      15/04/27 19:32:07 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:37
      15/04/27 19:32:08 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1430155904361_0001
      15/04/27 19:32:08 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1430155904361_0001
      15/04/27 19:32:08 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: http://ubuntu1410adminuser:8088/proxy/application_1430155904361_0001/
      15/04/27 19:32:08 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1430155904361_0001
      15/04/27 19:32:21 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1430155904361_0001 running in uber mode : false
      15/04/27 19:32:21 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 0% reduce 0%
      15/04/27 19:32:53 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 5% reduce 0%
      15/04/27 19:32:54 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 16% reduce 0%
    • Open up the web browser in the virtual machine and enter the url it gave you.

      • In this example the url was:
      • http://ubuntu1410adminuser:8088/proxy/application14301559043610001/
    • You can also view the log-files in the file browser:

      • In this example it will be located in:

  7. Download and view the results:

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/demo$ hdfs dfs -get /weather/result
    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/demo$ ls /result
    • Now you should be able see all the output files from the mapreduce demo!

Task 1

The goal for this task is to take all the original weather data for the period 1763 to 1799 and run your own mapreduce program on it. The output of the mapreduce job should be a file for each degree of temperature that was present within this period. Within these files you should list the days (and for which weather station) this temperature was recorded. Furthermore, at the end of each file there should be a summation of the total number of times that this temperature occurred. An overview can be seen below:

Mapper - specification

The specification of the mapper is as follows:

  • Input
    • (key, value) = (17xy.csv, row)
      • 17xy.csv is the input data file
      • text will be the text-data within these .csv files
      • The mapper will be fed this text data row-by-row
    • The input file might contain multiple weather stations
    • The temperature is given in tens of degrees
    • e.g. -123 = -12.3 degrees Celsius
    • We only care about the maximum temperature for each day (TMAX)
  • Output
    • (key, value) = (temp, “date,weather-station-id”)
    • temp should be in degrees Celcius and rounded to the nearest integer
    • e.g. -123 => -12.3 => -12, 247 => 24.7 => 25
    • “date, weather-station-id” should be submitted as one string
    • Note that key and value have to be of type Text! Documentation for Text

Reducer - specification

The specification of the reducer is as follows:

  • Input
    • (key, value) = (temp, “date,weather-station-id”)
    • This is the output from the mapper
  • Output

    • One output file per key (i.e. one output file per temperature)
    • e.g. (27)-r-00000, or (-16)-r-00000
    • In these files you should list:

      • the dates for when this temperature occurred
      • with which weather station that recorded it
      • a summation of the total number of occurrences
      • For the output file (-16)-r-00000 this would be:

        17840104 EZE00100082

        17881228 EZE00100082

        17881218 EZE00100082

        17890104 EZE00100082

        17760120 EZE00100082

        SUM 5

    • To write to an output file you can use the following method:

      mos.write(k, v, "(" + key.toString() + ")");
    • where k, v, and key.toString() might be:
    • k = “17840104”, v = “EZE00100082”, key.toString() = “-16”
    • or, k = “SUM”, v = 5, key.toString() = “-16”
    • k and v is of type Text - Documentation for Text

How to run it?

Example of how you can compile and run the program:

  1. Make sure that HDFS and YARN are up and running, otherwise start them
  2. Compile the mapreduce-program (make sure you’re in the correct directory)

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task1$ hadoop *.java
  3. Turn it into a runnable .jar-file (named task1.jar):

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task1$ jar cf task1.jar *.class
  4. Run it!

    • For this demo we have:
    • jar.file = task1.jar
    • Main-method = WeatherJob
    • Input path (in HDFS) = /weather/input
    • Output path (in HDFS) = /weather/task1-output
    • Note that the output path cannot be an existing directory!

      hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task1$ hadoop jar task1.jar WeatherJob /weather/input /weather/task1-output

Task 2

The goal for this task it to take the output from the previous task and use as input for this task. The output of this task should be just one file. In this file you should have a sorted list showing which temperature was most common and how many times this temperature occurred. An overview can be seen below:

Mapper - specification

The specification of the mapper is as follows:

  • Input

    • (key, value) = ((temp)-r-00000, row)
      • (temp)-r-00000 is the input data file produced in task 1
      • text will be the text-data within these files
      • The mapper will be fed this text data row-by-row
    • To extract the filename of the input file you can use:

      String filename = ((FileSplit) context.getInputSplit()).getPath().getName();
  • Output

Reducer - specification

The specification of the reducer is as follows:

  • Input
    • (key, value) = (numOccurrences, “temp”)
    • This is the output from the mapper
  • Output

    • One output file which contains a sorted list of the most common temperature
    • Least common temperature first
    • Should also show how many times each temperature occurred
    • Example:

      1   37.0
      2   36.0
      2   -21.0
      3   35.0
      836 24.0
      842 23.0
      844 18.0
    • When you only want to write to one output file you can use:

      context.write(k, v);
    • Where k and v might be
    • k = 3, v = “35”
    • Note that k and v have to be of type Text! Documentation for Text
    • To convert an IntWritable to Text you can use:

      Text k = new Text(key.toString());

How to run it?

Example of how you can compile and run the program:

  1. Make sure that HDFS and YARN are up and running, otherwise start them
  2. Compile the mapreduce-program (make sure you’re in the correct directory)

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task2$ hadoop *.java
  3. Turn it into a runnable .jar-file (named task2.jar):

    hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task2$ jar cf task2.jar *.class
  4. Run it!

    • For this demo we have:
    • jar.file = task2.jar
    • Main-method = WeatherJob
    • Input path (in HDFS) = /weather/task1-output
    • Output path (in HDFS) = /weather/task2-output
    • Note that the output path cannot be an existing directory!

      hduser@ubuntu1410adminuser:~/weather/task2$ hadoop jar task2.jar WeatherJob /weather/task1-output /weather/task2-output