/** * AVR program for control of the DC-servo process. * * User communication via the serial line. Commands: * s: start controller * t: stop controller * r: change sign of reference (+/- 5.0 volt) * * * To compile for the ATmega8 AVR: * avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -O -g -Wall -o DCservo.o DCservo.c * * * To compile for the ATmega16 AVR: * avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega16 -O -g -Wall -o DCservo.o DCservo.c * * To upload to the AVR: * avr-objcopy -Osrec DCservo.o DCservo.sr * uisp -dprog=stk200 --erase --upload if=DCservo.sr * * To view the assembler code: * avr-objdump -S DCservo.o * * To open a serial terminal on the PC: * simcom -38400 /dev/ttyS0 */ #include #include /* Controller parameters and variables (add your own code here) */ int8_t on = 0; /* 0=off, 1=on */ int16_t r = 255; /* Reference, corresponds to +5.0 V */ /** * Write a character on the serial connection */ static inline void put_char(char ch){ while ((UCSRA & 0x20) == 0) {}; UDR = ch; } /** * Write 10-bit output using the PWM generator */ static inline void writeOutput(int16_t val) { val += 512; OCR1AH = (uint8_t) (val>>8); OCR1AL = (uint8_t) val; } /** * Read 10-bit input using the AD converter */ static inline int16_t readInput(char chan) { uint8_t low, high; ADMUX = 0xc0 + chan; /* Specify channel (0 or 1) */ ADCSRA |= 0x40; /* Start the conversion */ while (ADCSRA & 0x40); /* Wait for conversion to finish */ low = ADCL; /* Read input, low byte first! */ high = ADCH; /* Read input, high byte */ return ((high<<8) | low) - 512; /* 10 bit ADC value [-512..511] */ } /** * Interrupt handler for receiving characters over serial connection */ SIGNAL(SIG_UART_RECV){ switch (UDR) { case 's': /* Start the controller */ put_char('s'); on = 1; break; case 't': /* Stop the controller */ put_char('t'); on = 0; break; case 'r': /* Change sign of reference */ put_char('r'); r = -r; break; } } /** * Interrupt handler for the periodic timer. Interrupts are generated * every 10 ms. The control algorithm is executed every 50 ms. */ SIGNAL(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2){ static int8_t ctr = 0; if (++ctr < 5) return; ctr = 0; if (on) { /* Insert your controller code here */ } else { writeOutput(0); /* Off */ } } /** * Main program */ int main(){ DDRB = 0x02; /* Enable PWM output for ATmega8 */ DDRD = 0x20; /* Enable PWM output for ATmega16 */ DDRC = 0x30; /* Enable time measurement pins */ /* use PORTC ^= 0x10; or PORTC ^= 0x20; to toggle pins */ ADCSRA = 0xc7; /* ADC enable */ TCCR1A = 0xf3; /* Timer 1: OC1A & OC1B 10 bit fast PWM */ TCCR1B = 0x09; /* Clock / 1 */ TCNT2 = 0x00; /* Timer 2: Reset counter (periodic timer) */ TCCR2 = 0x0f; /* Clock / 1024, clear after compare match (CTC) */ OCR2 = 144; /* Set the compare value, corresponds to ~100 Hz */ /* Configure serial communication */ UCSRA = 0x00; /* USART: */ UCSRB = 0x98; /* USART: RXC enable, Receiver enable, Transmitter enable */ UCSRC = 0x86; /* USART: 8bit, no parity */ UBRRH = 0x00; /* USART: 38400 @ 14.7456MHz */ UBRRL = 23; /* USART: 38400 @ 14.7456MHz */ TIMSK = 1<