This homework covers the same aspects as the previous homework - SDN, but in a more thorough way. The goal of this homework is to illustrate what you can do with SDN. For some more motivation I recommend that you look at this talk by Scott Shenker. This homework is based on a homework in the ETH course Advanced Topics in Communication Networks HS 2014: Software-Defined Networking, by Prof. Bernhard PLattner. The original homework can be found here. Note that our homework only covers Part A - step 2. An FAQ on POX is found here.


In this homework you will develop a SDN controller that routes traffic in a simulated datacenter. The datacenter topology is defined below, and as you can see it contains lots of loops. Therefore it will not be possible to just use a bunch of learning switches, since when you flood the switches the network traffic will explode. Instead you will have to implement a smart way of routing the traffic between the switches and hosts.

The way we will route traffic between a source and destination is to compute a list of all the shortest paths between them (because of the topology structure there might be several paths that are the shortest possible path between two switches). Then we will randomly select one of these paths and install a flow on each of the switch lying on this path. This will ensure that we don’t loop any packages and that we utilize all of the network structure.

The topology you will use is a clos topology with one core switch, two aggregate switches, four edge switches, and 8 hosts.

For this homework you will get the mininet topology for free ( For the development of the SDN controller you will be given some starter code ( Your job is to finish the methods within this code (you will see the “TO BE WRITTEN BY YOU” comments). The controller-code is developed by ETH for their original homework, but it is commented by us.

The structure of the homework is as follows:

  1. Download and install necessary software
  2. Study the code in
  3. Complete ShortestPaths
  4. Complete flood_on_switch_edge
  5. Complete send_arp_reply
  6. Complete install_end_to_end_IP_path

For simulating the network you will once again use Mininet, and for SDN you will use OpenFlow with POX as the API.

Deadline and Deliverables

Deadline for this homework is April 14. You will hand in the source code.

Installing the necessary software

For this assignment you will have to download our (can be found here) and the starting code (can be found here). You will also have to install a necessary package NetworkX that will be needed when you will calculate the shortest path between two switches.

  1. Download and and copy them into your VM
  2. Install the NetworkX package
    1. install pip on your Linux VM:
      • $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
    2. install NetworkX
      • $ sudo pip install networkx

Run the controller and the topology

To run the controller and the topology you can follow these steps:

  1. Start two terminal windows (W1) and (W2) and ssh into your VM
  2. (W1): Run the Mininet topology
  3. (W2): Start the controller

Controller - overview

The SDN controller that is used in this assignment has some data structures that you will need to understand. They will be covered in short here and include:

When a new packet arrives at a switch a PacketIn event is raised. This event is then forwarded to the controller and handled by the _handle_PacketIn() method. There, different actions are taken depending on wether it is an IP-packet or an ARP-packet. If we don’t know the destination of the packet we will have flood the packet (which will be implemented by you). If it is an ARP packet and we do know the destination we will send it to the correct switch. If it is an IP packet and we know the destination we will install a flow between the source and the destination of the packet, and of course also send the packet.

If you feel that you need more about the code, please take a look at The original homework.


This is an internal class that allows the controller to store information about each switch. Some of the useful attributes of this class are:

When a new ConnectionUp event is fired the method _handle_ConnectionUp() in our controller is called. In this method we create a new SwitchWithPaths-instance and store it in the controller. It’s stored in the structure self.switches which is described more below.

When the controller wants to install a flow on a switch, or send an arp-reply to/form a switch it calls an appropriate method in SwitchWithPaths. Some of the methods of this class are:


This is a dictionary in the controller in which it stores all the instances of SwitchWithPaths that has been created. This dictionary is updated automatically whenever a new switch is found.


This is a dictionary in the controller that stores a list of all the adjacent switches for each switch. This dictionary is updated automatically whenever a new switch or link between switches are found.


This is a dictionary that stores information about which port connect two neighbors. This dictionary is also updated automatically whenever we find a new link or a new switch.

ShortestPaths - to be written by you

This method is called automatically whenever the controller discovers a new switch, a new link between two switches, or when a switch goes down.

The goal of this method is to:

  1. Build a network topology using the two structures switches and adjs as well as the NetworkX-package
  2. For each switch in switches,
    1. Calculate all the shortest paths to each of the other switches
    2. Store this information in the switch

Stay Sane - a good idea is to print the shortest paths between two switches (so you can verify if it works).

NetworkX is a python package that will help you build a network network topology and calculate the shortest paths in an easy manner. To help you a little bit we provide to useful examples on how to use this package.

Some useful methods

# clear all the paths for the switch with dpid s_dpid

# create an empty list
my_paths_list = []

# store a list of all the shortest paths from switch source to switch dest
# assumes that the paths have been calculated prior to this
# and stored in "my_paths_list"
switches[source_dpid].appendPaths(dest, my_paths_list)

flood_on_switch_edge - to be written by you

This method is called when the controller doesn’t know the destination address of the packet. This means that we need to flood that packet to the network. Since our network contains a lot of loops this is quite dangerous to do. If done wrong the network traffic will explode! To ensure that this doesn’t happen, we should only flood the packet on the ports of the switches that are connected to the hosts. Or, to put it in a different way, we should flood the packet to the switch-ports that are not connected to other switches.

The goal of this method is to:

  1. send the packet to every port of this switch that is not in the list no_flood_list

Stay Sane - when this method works you should be able to ping different hosts.

Note: no_flood_ports is a list of port-numbers while the structure self.ports, in SwitchWithPaths, is a list of port-objects. To get the actual port numbers of the port object in self.ports you can use the following:

# iterate through all the port objects in ports
for p in self.ports:
    port_number = p.port_no
    # do your thing here...

Some useful methods

# get a list of all the port objects in this switch

# print the port number of all the ports
for p in self.ports:
    # note that p is a port object
    print p.port_no

# send a packet to port p (a port object)
self.send_packet(p.port_no, packet)

send_arp_reply - to be written by you

This method is called when the controller wants to send an arp-reply and knows the address of the destination.

The goal of this method:

  1. craft an arp.REPLY message
  2. craft an ethernet.ARP_TYPE message
  3. pack the ethernet message
  4. send the packet

Some useful methods:

# create a arp message
my_arp = arp()
... fill in the fields ...

# create an ethernet message
ether = ethernet()
... fill in the fields ...

# pack the ethernet message

If you need more help you can take a look at this example of an arp-message.

install_end_to_end_IP_path - to be written by you

When an IP packet arrives on a switch and the controller knows the address of the destination for this packet this method is called. The switch on which the packet first arrived will raise an PacketIN event (which can be used to get the id of this switch event.dpid). To install a flow from the source switch to the destination switch one will need to install a flow rule on each of the switches that is on the path. Installing a flow from the source switch to the destination switch is much like building a channel from a full lake to an empty lake, it raises the following question: in which order should one install the flow?

Another important aspect of this method is to ensure that we utilize as much as we can of the network structure. Since we have a lot of loops in our network structure, we may have multiple (and equally short) paths between two switches. This means that we can do better than always using the same path between such two switches.

To ensure that we don’t loose any packets, we need to send the packet that caused the event before we exit the method.

The goal of this method:

  1. Get the switch that triggered the event
  2. Get the destination switch
  3. Get the list of all the paths between the source and destination switch
  4. Randomly select one of these
  5. Install a flow rule on each of the switches in this path
  6. Send the packet

Some useful methods:

# get the dpid of the switch that raised the event
# this is the switch connected to the host that sent the packet
source_dpid = event.dpid

# create a flow match
my_match = of.ofp_match()
my_match.dl_src = ... 
my_match.dl_dst = ...

# select a random item from a list
rand_item = random.choice(my_list)

# get the port that connect switch1 --> switch2
port = self.sw_sw_ports[(switch1_dpid, switch2_dpid)]

# iterate a list in a reversed manner
for s in reversed(my_paths_list):
    # do your thing...

If you need more help, take a look at The original homework.

Python help

If you are unfamiliar with Python, you should check out this turorial.

OpenFlow and POX help

I highly recommend the OpenFlow POX wiki for any question on OpenFlow and POX.